DescriptionApollonius problem animation smaller.gif
Animation of the solution to Apollonius' problem using the method of inversion. The original three circles (red, green and blue) are first expanded by the same amount ε until two of them (the red and the blue) touch. A grey circle of inversion is centered on their point of tengency, such that it intersects both the red and blue circles in two points. Upon inversion, the red and blue circles become parallel red and blue lines, whereas the green circle becomes another circle. There are several positions at which a yellow circle can be tangent to the two lines and to the new green circle. Upon re-inversion and shrinking its radius by ε, these yellow circles should be tangent to all three of the original three circles.
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{{Information |Description=Animation of the solution to Apollonius' problem using the method of inversion. The original three circles (red, green and blue) are first expanded by the same amount ε until two of them (the red and the blue) touch. A grey c