DescriptionFasti Antiates maiores reconstruction.png
English: This is a reconstruction drawing of the so-called Fasti Antiates maiores, a Roman calendar found in 1915 at Antium, south of Rome. The Fasti (1.16 m × 2.50 m) were painted in red and black on wall plaster. They are located today in the Museo Nazionale Romano at Rome. The reconstruction of the text from the surviving fragments is based here on EDR137815 and the drawing heavily inspired by the one published in Atilius Degrassi: Fasti anni numani et iuliani: accedunt ferialia, menologia rustica, parapegmata, Inscriptiones Italiae XIII Fasti et elogia (Fasc. 2), Roma 1963: Libreria dello Stato, pl. 1–3. Accuracy in the outline and position of the surviving fragments was no priority.
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