English: Glenbuck House door lintel - sole remaining item from the lost Glenbuck house which after its roof was removed to avoid tax fell into ruin less than 60 years after being completed. This item was sold off to architectural salvage by the last resident gamekeeper in 1998 as he retired. I believe this is the only record of its existence in the public record. Made of harder red sandstone than the house it was about 6foot by 3.5foot and represents the famous award winning (Royal Highland Show) Glenbuck sourced Scottish Blackface bred for some 3 generations on Glenbuck House farm estate - latterly by the Graham family before they sold their lands to Scottish Coal for mining
Photographie personnelle
Addendum: May 2015
Verbal reports amongst farmers exist that a local farmer at the eastern end of Muirkirk removed the lintel for safe keeping. It is highly likely this is true and the photographer hopes the lintel will somehow be used again by shepherds to celebrate Glenbucks Sheep bloodline which transformed Scots hill farming 120+ years ago as a more positive part of the local "Agricultural Improvements"which included Clearances elswhere, and led to ecocide when the new flock management plans were rigidly applied on Esster Island via Scots CHilean conglomorate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Williamson-Balfour_Company
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Glenbuck House door lintel - sole remaining item from the lost Glenbuck house which after its roof was removed to avoid tax fell into ruin less than 60 years after being completed. This item was sold off to architectural