English: 119/21. Water basin, Maghreb Islamic craftsmanship, mid 12th Century. Polychrome decoration in brown manganese, green copper and yellow "ferraccia".
121/31. Basin, Maghreb Islamic craftmanship, mid 12th Century. Brown manganese decoration with turquoise green enamel.
122/1. Water basin, Maghreb or Sicilian Islamic craftsmanship, mid 12th Century. Polychrome decoration in brown manganese, green copper or yellow "ferraccia".
123/4. Big bowl, southern Spanish Islamic craftsmanship, mid 12th Century. Dark golden metallic lustred decoration.
124/3 Small basin, Byznatine craftsmanship, mid 12th Century. Graffiti decoration on bend.
125/22. Water basin(?), southern Spanish Islamic craftsmanship, mid 12th Century. Metallic lustred decoration with the tendency in bronze.
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