English: by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), albumen print, 7 October 1863
The Rossetti Family, by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) (died 1898) taken at 16 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, given to the National Portrait Gallery, London in 1978. See source website for additional information.
From left to right: Christina Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Rossetti standing, Frances Mary Lavinia Rossetti sitting, William Michael Rossetti standing, Maria Francesca Rossetti sitting
This set of images was gathered by User:Giorgio Pietrocola from the National Portrait Gallery, London website. All images in this batch have been confirmed as author died before 1939 according to the official death date listed by the NPG.
Source of image number and date: Edward Wakeling's Photographic Register.
This was first published in Carroll's biography by his nephew: Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson (1898) The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, Londra: T. Fisher Unwin, pp. p. 88 Retrieved on 22 dicembre 2010.
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