Eesti: Sammallooma (Cristatella mucedo) ellujäämiskapsel (statoblast), pildistatud mikroskoobi all kasutades 4x objektiivi. Isend on kogutud Rakvere linnatiigist 2024. aasta novembris. Statoblastid on spetsiaalsed struktuurid, mis aitavad sammalloomadel ellu jääda ebasoodsates tingimustes, taludes külma ja kuivamist.
Pildil on hästi näha statoblasti keskosa, helendav gaasitäidisega rõngas, mis aitab kapslil veepinnal ujuda, ning välisring, mille okkaline struktuur võimaldab kinnituda veetaimedele või lindude sulgedele.
Pilt on tehtud peegelduvat valgust kasutades, mis toob esile detailid nagu okkaline välisring ja helendav rõngas. Pildistamise kuupäev on 24. november 2024.
English: A statoblast of the freshwater bryozoan (Cristatella mucedo) photographed under a microscope using a 4x objective. The specimen was collected from a pond in Rakvere, Estonia, in November 2024. Statoblasts are specialized survival structures that help bryozoans withstand adverse conditions such as freezing and desiccation.
The image clearly shows the statoblast's central part, a gas-filled flotation ring that allows it to float, and the outer ring with spiny structures that enable attachment to aquatic plants or bird feathers.
The image was captured using reflected light, highlighting details such as the spiny outer ring and the bright flotation ring. The photograph was taken on November 24, 2024.
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