DescriptionStromatinia rapulum (Wisconsin, USA) 2.jpg
English: Stromatinia rapulum (Bull.) Boud. collected in Indian Lake County Park, Dane Co., Wisconsin, USA), collected by Alden C. Dirks (Collection Number: ACD0135, MF80985) in a Edge of trail in mixed hardwood forest, white oak and elm most proximate on buried substrate, blackened rhizomes of Polygonatum sp. (Solomon’s seal)
Macroscopic_Features: Apothecia are less than 1 cm in diameter with rooting stems 3-4 cm in length, blackened and craggily
Microscopic_Features: Spores smooth, hyaline, biggutulate, elleptic, length (12.5) 13-14.4 (15.3) µm, width (6.1) 6.4-7.1 (7.5) µm, mean 13.7 × 6.7 µm, Q (1.8) 1.9-2.2 (2.5) (n=30).
Asci unitunicate, inoperculate, length (124.2) 135-167.3 (175.5) µm, width (9.2) 9.8-11.3 (11.8) µm, Q (11.1) 12.7-16.1 (17.2) (n=10).
Paraphyses cylindrical, tip width (3.1) 3.2-4.1 (4.5) µm (n=10).
Other: Information on this species can be found in Ascomycete Fungi of North America on the species description page for Dumontinia tuberosa, which has a similar macro- and micromorphology as S. rapulum. S. rapulum is distinguished by arising from “a black stroma on buried blackened rhizomes, corms, and bulbs of monocotyledons.” Stromatinia rapulum is apparently rare or rarely collected and only has one representative rDNA sequence on GenBank, from a specimen collected in Norway in the 1990s.
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