DescriptionThe ELT Prefocal Station (40231705974).jpg
In March 2018 ESO signed a contract with the Spanish company IDOM for the production of a major new component of ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope. The Prefocal Station A Main System will direct the light collected by the telescope’s huge optical system into science instruments and other test equipment. The Prefocal Station also contains parts of the active optics system of the telescope.
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7 novembre 2018
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16 mars 2018 à 09:19
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European Southern Observatory
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16 mars 2018 à 09:51
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16 mars 2018 à 10:19
Titre court
The ELT Prefocal Station
Titre de l’image
In March 2018 ESO signed a contract with the Spanish company IDOM for the production of a major new component of ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope. The Prefocal Station A Main System will direct the light collected by the telescope’s huge optical system into science instruments and other test equipment. The Prefocal Station also contains parts of the active optics system of the telescope.