DescriptionWar deaths caused by warfareMortsHommesGuerre.jpg
Français : Pourcentage de morts par guerre chez les hommes, pour différentes sociétés humaines. Le graphique compare des tribus amazoniennes et de Nouvelle-Guinée avec les États-Unis et l'Europe au 20ème siècle.
Existe aussi en anglais, par User:Koyos
Comparison of the percentage of male deaths that were caused by warfare in different human societies. the chart compares eight tribes in new guinea and south america with the us and europe in the 20th century.
alsa in english here (made by user:koyos inconnu(e)Unknown comparison of the percentage of male deaths that were caused by warfare in different human societies. the chart compares eight tribes in new guinea and south america with the us and europe in the 20th century.
Source : Keeley, Lawrence (1996). War Before Civilization: the Myth of the Peaceful Savage. New York: Oxford University Press. as referenced in Pinker, Steven (2002).The Blank Slate. New York: Penguin. page 74.
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