Né le Valar Morghulis... LOL !
, retraité,de l'enseignement supérieur et de la fonction de direction et de conseil dans le secteur médico-social. Accroche toi papi !Retrait de Wikipédia
Je me suis retiré de WP car je suis fatigué par le harcèlement de CWP, à 75 ans je n'ai pas l'humeur à supporter les saillies de CWP aux comportements peu courtois.
Cela dit, pas de surprise, j'ai été prévenu par des copains universitaires qui eux aussi se sont retirés après les attaques de ces mêmes personnes haineuses.
Il serait temps que WP fasse le ménage ! Je ne suis, hélas, ni le premier, ni le dernier à quitter WP à cause de CWP dont la devise est "Je nuis donc je suis".
Il n'y a pas d'incompréhension, il y a une volonté de me censurer, de me faire taire et bien soit je me retire, me libérant ainsi de soucis et d'une charge mentale peturbante.
Mes domaines de contributions sur la Wikipédia
Restrictions de mes interventions

Ayant atteint ma vitesse de croisière, je me tiens strictement à l'entretien, la maintenance des divers articles que j'ai pu créer ou enrichir de façon significative, dont vous avez les listes ci-après. Il y a de quoi m’occuper jusqu'à ma mort. Ponctuellement je créerai des articles pour supprimer des liens rouges pour des articles labellisables. Procédures de labellisation que je laisse aux autres contributeurs qui auront l'amabilité de se pencher sur les articles en avancement A, pour les améliorer, d'avance grand merci.
Note : je ne traduis jamais les articles de la WP anglophone, car l’expérience m'a montré qu'ils étaient parfois bâclés, orientés idéologiquement, qu'ils n'étaient pas réactualisés, souvent les sources renvoyaient à des liens morts, ayant du temps car étant à la retraite, je peux avoir le luxe de rédiger les articles à partir de sources encyclopédiques et secondaires de qualité, accessibles en ligne et à partir de la Wikipedia Library. Cela dit, l'importation d'articles de la WP anglophone ont le mérite de créer un article, mais il faut bien se dire que ces articles comme cela est mentionné dépendent du travail des contributeurs anglophones et ne pas oublier que les critères d'admissibilité de la WP anglophone sont plus que souples, ils n'ont pas la rigueur de notre WP francophone.
Mener si possible les articles créés jusqu'à l'avancement en A avant que je ne disparaisse... à 74 ans, il faut y penser, Valar Morghulis... LOL. Accroche toi papi !
Pour en savoir plus sur les articles créés et leur avancement
Importance d'un article
Note | Attribution | Critères appliqués par le projet | Exemple |
Maximum | Attribution par accord tacite d’un ou plusieurs contributeurs. Avis du projet souhaité. |
L’article aborde un sujet particulièrement important ; il est généralement traité par la plupart des encyclopédies imprimées. |
Exemple à trouver |
Élevée | Attribution par accord tacite d’un ou plusieurs contributeurs. | L’article a un impact large et apporte des connaissances de l’ordre de la culture générale. | Exemple à trouver |
Moyenne | Attribution par accord tacite d’un ou plusieurs contributeurs. | Sans relever de la culture générale, l’article développe un point intéressant de la discipline dont il relève. | Exemple à trouver |
Faible | Attribution par accord tacite d’un ou plusieurs contributeurs. | L’article est très spécialisé, d’un intérêt limité ou secondaire. | Exemple à trouver |
Selon les critères de Wikipédia, lorsque l'article aborde un sujet particulièrement important et qu'il est généralement traité par la plupart des encyclopédies imprimées, alors il est en importance maximum ou élevée, ce qui est le cas ici , Cf. rubrique notices dans des dictionnaires et encyclopédies, section Liens externes
Sources encyclopédiques et manuels américains de référence
- En premier bien entendu l'Encyclopædia Britannica qui fait des offres graduées d'abonnement selon vos besoins, l'avantage de cette encyclopédie à laquelle je suis abonné, c'est qu'elle réactualise systématiquement ses articles en fonction de l'actualité entre 12 à 20 réactualisation / jours...
- Encyclopedia.com dont les articles sont rédigés par des universitaire travaillant pour l'Oxford University Press et de la Columbia University Press, entre autres, les articles sont régulièrement réactualisés, mais attention pour lire la dernière réactualisation il faut dérouler l'ensemble du texte, les différentes versions de l'articles se succédant sur une même page, il faut également faire attention, parfois, une même personne bénéficie d'un article à l'entête de son prénom suivi de son nom et d'un autre article à l'entête de son nom suivi de son prénom.
Il existe également l'immense Encyclopedia of World Biography :
- vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo00gale_2 (A-Barbosa)
- vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo02gale (Bardeen- Briand)
- vol. 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo03gale (Brice - Chi Pai Sith)
- vol. 5 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo00gale_1 (Diderot - Forbes)
- vol. 6 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofw6o00gale (Ford - Grilliparzer)
- vol. 7 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo07gale (Grimke - Howells)
- vol. 8 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo08gale (Hoxha-Kierkegaard)
- vol. 9 : https://archive.org/details/ency9clopediaofwo00gale ( Kilpatrick-Louis)
- vol. 10 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo0010unse_i7v7 (Love-Micah)
- vol. 11 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopedia1100gale ( Michael-Orleans)
- vol. 12 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo12gale (Orozco-Radisson )
- vol. 13 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopedia1300gale (Raffles-Schelling)
- vol. 14 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo14gale (Schiele-Stuart)
- vol. 15 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo15gale ( Studi-Visser)
- vol. 16 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo16gale (Vitoria-Zworykin)
- vol. 17 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo00gale (Index)
- vol. 18 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo18egge (supplément A-Z)
- vol. 19 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo00moss,
- vol. 20 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo20gale (Supplement A-Z de 2000)
- vol. 21 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo00gale_0 ((supplément A-Z de 2001),
- vol. 24 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo00gale_3,
- vol. 30 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo0000unse_n7r2 ( (supplément A-Z de 2009)
UXL encyclopedia of world biography
- vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/uxlencyclopediao0000unse_n3y4 (A-Ba),
- vol. 4 : https://archive.org/details/uxlencyclopediao0004unse_j0c3 (De-Ga),
- vol. 6 : https://archive.org/details/uxlencyclopediao0006unse (J-L),
- vol. 8 : https://archive.org/details/uxlencyclopediao0008unse ( Ni-Re),
- vol. 9 : https://archive.org/details/uxlencyclopediao0009unse ( Rh-S),
- vol. 10 : https://archive.org/details/uxlencyclopediao0010unse ( T-Z).
Worldmark encyclopedia of cultures and daily life
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/worldmarkencyclo01gall,
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/worldmarkencyclo00timo_0,
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/worldmarkencyclo03gall,
Encyclopedia of Third Parties in America (2000) éd. Sharpe Reference
- volume 1 : Encyclopedia of Third Parties in America, vol. 1 : Third parties in history, Third-party maps, 336 p. (lire en ligne),
- volume 2 : Encyclopedia of Third Parties in America, vol. 2, 304 p. (ISBN 0765680203, lire en ligne),
- volume 3 : Encyclopedia of Third Parties in America, vol. 3 : Biographies, 280 p. (ISBN 0765680203, lire en ligne)
Il existe également diverses encyclopédie d'un état particulier :
- Alabama : http://encyclopediaofalabama.org/
- Caroline du Sud : https://www.scencyclopedia.org/sce/
- Tennessee : https://tennesseeencyclopedia.net/
- Géorgie : https://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/
- Virginie : https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/
- Oregon : https://www.oregonencyclopedia.org/
- Utah : https://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/
- . Louisiane : https://lecomite.org/index.html,
- etc.
L'avantage de ces encyclopédies "locales" c'est qu'elle sont non seulement rédigées par des universitaires, mais surtout qu'elles s'appuient sur des archives locales et citent des faits qu'on ne rencontre pas ailleurs.
L' American National Biography
- si les dernières notices sont inaccessibles car payantes et surtout les abonnements sont réservés aux américains, j'ai essayé en vain d'avoir un abonnement. En revanche vous pouvez accéder aux éditions de 1999 de l'ANB en vous rendant sur le site suivant https://archive.org/search.php?query=American%20National%20Biography. Il faut être patient pour trouver la rubrique qui vous intéresse dans l'un des 24 volumes de l'ANB. Attention Archive.org, indique à tort des dates d’éditions de 1990, or c'est faux, il s'agit de 1999 comme l'indique les premières pages de chaque volume
Volumes de l'ANB édition 1999
- Volume 1: Aarons - Baird, Oxford University Press, USA, , 944 p. (ISBN 9780195127805, lire en ligne),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0002unse (Baker - Blatch),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/americannational03garr (Blatchford - Burnett)
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/americannational04garr (Burnett-Clarke)
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/americannational05garr (Clarke-Dacosta)
- volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0006unse (Dafora - Dubuclet)
- volume 7 : https://archive.org/details/americannational07garr (Dubuque - Fishbein)
- volume 8 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0008unse (Fishberg - Gihon)
- volume 9 : https://archive.org/details/americannational09garr (Gilbert - Hand)
- volume 10 : https://archive.org/details/americannational10garr (Handerson- Hofman)
- volume 11 : https://archive.org/details/americannational11garr (Hofstadter - Jepson)
- volume 12 : https://archive.org/details/americannational12garr (Jeremiah - Kurtz)
- volume 13 : https://archive.org/details/americannational13garr (Kurtzman - Lovecraft)
- volume 14 : https://archive.org/details/americannational14garr (Lovejoy - McCurdy)
- volume 15 : https://archive.org/details/americannational15garr (McCutcheon - Moskowitz)
- Volume 16: Mosler - Parish, Oxford University Press, USA, , 968 p. (ISBN 9780195127959)
- volume 17 : https://archive.org/details/americannational17garr (Park - Pushmataha)
- volume 18 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0018unse (Putnam - Roush)
- volume 19 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0019unse_s7z3 (Rousseau - Simmons)
- volume 20 : https://archive.org/details/americannational20garr (Simms - Stratemayer)
- volume 21 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0000unse (Stratton-Tunney)
- volume 22 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0022unse (Tunnicliff - Welk)
- volume 23 : American National Biography, Volume 23: Wellek - Wrenn, Oxford University Press, USA, , 920 p. (ISBN 9780195128024, lire en ligne)
- volume 24 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0024unse (Wright - Zworykin)
Vous avez également une édition abrégée de l'ANB :
- le Concise dictionary of American biography, accessible en un volume https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar00amer
- ou en deux volumes
- du même éditeur que l'ANB vous avez pour le domaine scientifique :
- le Concise dictionary of scientific biography : https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar00,
Le Dictionary of American Biography
Édition 1943
- vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer02ilamer/, (Barsotti-Brazer), éd. 1943
- vol. 8 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer08ilamer, (Grinnell-Hibbard) éd. 1943
- vol. 14 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer14amer/, (Oglethotpe-Platner) éd. 1943
- vol. 18 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer18amer, ( Steward-Trowbridge) éd. 1943
Édition 1957
- vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer0001unse/, (Abbe- Brazer),
Édition 1964
- vol. 3 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer0364amer, (Cushman-Frazer)
- vol. 4 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer0464amer, (Fraunces-Hibbard)
- vol. 5 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer0564amer ,(Hibben-Larkin)
- vol. 7 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer07newy, (Mills-Platner)
Édition 1995
- vol. 6 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer6john, (Larned-Millington)
- vol. 9 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer09john, (Sewell-Trowbridge)
- vol. 10 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer10john, (Troye-Zunser)
- vol 11 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer11john, (supplément 1)
L'Encyclopedia of the New American Nation de Paul Finkelman en 3 volumes (2006)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofne0000unse_f9p4, the emergence of the United States, 1754-1829 A-E
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofne0000unse_t7u5, the emergence of the United States, 1754-1829 F-P
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofne0000unse_m3a3, the emergence of the United States, 1754-1829 P-Y
The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives: The 1960's (2002)
- vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/scribnerencyclop0001unse (A-L)
- vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/scribnerencyclop0000unse (M-Z)
Dictionnaires et encyclopédies scientifiques et de santé :
- Kristine M. Krapp, Notable Black American Scientists, (ISBN 9780787627898, lire en ligne),
- Encyclopedia of World Scientists, (ISBN 9780816061587, lire en ligne),
- A to Z of Sts Scientists, (ISBN 9780816046065, lire en ligne),
- Charles W. Carey Jr., American Scientists, (ISBN 9780816054992, lire en ligne),
La World Book's Biographical Encyclopedia Of Scientists (2003)
- v. 1. Abbe to Borodin : https://archive.org/details/worldbooksbiogra01worl.
- v. 2. Bosch to DeBakey : https://archive.org/details/worldbooksbiogra02worl_0,
- v. 3. De Bono to Goddard : https://archive.org/details/worldbooksbiogra03worl,
- v. 4. Gödel to Kekule von Stradonitz : https://archive.org/details/worldbooksbiogra04worl
- v. 5. Kelvin to Mercato : https://archive.org/details/worldbooksbiogra05worl,
- v. 6. Merensky to Richthofen : https://archive.org/details/worldbooksbiogra06worl,
- v. 7. Rideal to Tinbergen : https://archive.org/details/worldbooksbiogra07worl,
- v. 8. Ting to Zworykin : https://archive.org/details/worldbooksbiogra08worl
Le Dictionary of scientific biography en 16 volumes (1981) :
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofsci001gill (Abailard - Berg)
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie02gill (Hans Berger - Christoph Buys Ballot)
- vol 3 & 4 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie03gill (Pierre Cabanis - Firmicus Maternus)
- vol 5 & 6 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie05gill ( Emil Fischer -Joseph Hyrtl )
- vol 7 & 8 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie78gill (Iamblichus - Pierre Joseph Macquer)
- vol 9 & 10 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie910gill (Macrobius - Piso)
- vol 11 & 12 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie11gill (Pitcairn -Jean-Servais Stas )
- volume 13 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie0013unse (Hans Berger - Christoph Buys Ballot)
- vol 13 & 14 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie1314gill (Hans Berger -Johann Zwelfer)
- volume 15 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie15gill (Supplement I, Roger Adams - Ludwik Zejszner)
- volume 18 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie18holm (supplément Lebedev - Zwicky)
Le Dictionary of Medical Biography en 5 volumes (2006) :
- (en-US) Dictionary of Medical Biography, Volume 1: A-B, Greenwood Press, , 336 p. (ISBN 9780313328787, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Dictionary of Medical Biography, Volume 2: C-G, Greenwood Press, , 352 p. (ISBN 9780313328794, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Dictionary of Medical Biography, Volume 3: H-L, Greenwood Press, , 272 p. (ISBN 9780313328800, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Dictionary of Medical Biography, Volume 4: M-R, Greenwood Press, , 326 p. (ISBN 9780313328817, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Dictionary of Medical Biography, Volume 5: S-Z, Greenwood Press, , 368 p. (ISBN 9780313328824, lire en ligne).
L'American Nursing : a Biographical Dictionary
- American Nursing: A Biographical Dictionary, vol. 1, Charlotte Albina Aikens- Louise Zabriskie, (ISBN 9780824085407, lire en ligne),
- American Nursing : A Biographical Dictionary, vol. 3, (réimpr. 2004) (ISBN 9780826111470, lire en ligne)
Pivotal Moments in Nursing
- Beth Houser, Pivotal Moments in Nursing, 1, Leaders Who Changed the Path of a Profession, (ISBN 9781930538115, lire en ligne),
- Beth P. Houser & Kathy N. Player, Pivotal Moments in Nursing, 2, Leaders Who Changed the Path of a Profession, (ISBN 9781930538191, lire en ligne),
Soins infirmiers
- Mary Elizabeth Carnegie, Path We Tread: Blacks in Nursing 1854-1990, (ISBN 9780887375347, lire en ligne),
- Philip A. Kalisch & Beatrice J. Kalisch, The Advance Of American Nursing, (ISBN 9780397550890, lire en ligne),
- Ellen D. Baer, Enduring Issues in American Nursing, (ISBN 9780826113733, lire en ligne),
- Philip A Kalisch & Beatrice J. Kalisch (dir.), American Nursing : A History, (ISBN 9780781739696, lire en ligne),
- Deborah M. Judd, A History of American Nursing : Trends and Eras, (ISBN 9780763759513, lire en ligne),
- Patricia D'Antonio, American Nursing : A History of Knowledge, Authority, and the Meaning of Work, (ISBN 9780801895647, lire en ligne),
- Barbra Mann Wall & Arlene W. Keeling, Nurses on the Front Line, (ISBN 9780826105196, lire en ligne),
- The Concise Oxford Dictionary Of Quotations, Oxford University Press, USA, (ISBN 9780198662686, lire en ligne),
Histoire et société américaine
- The Oxford Companion to United States History, (ISBN 9780195082098, lire en ligne)
Les leaders des mouvements sociaux
- Neil Hamilton, American Social Leaders and Activists, (ISBN 9780816045358, lire en ligne),
- Gary M. Fink, Biographical Dictionary of American Labour Leaders, (ISBN 9780837176437, lire en ligne),
La gauche américaine
- Harvey Klehr, Biographical Dictionary of the American Left, Greenwood Press, , 499 p. (ISBN 9780313242007, lire en ligne),
- Mari Jo Buhle (dir.), Encyclopedia of the American Left, Oxford University Press, USA, (ISBN 9780195120882, lire en ligne),
Conflicts in American history : a documentary encyclopedia
- volume 1, 1492-1783 : https://archive.org/details/conflictsinameri0001unse
- volume 3, 1861-1895 : https://archive.org/details/conflictsinameri0003unse
- volume 4, 1865-1877 : https://archive.org/details/conflictsinameri0000unse_l4o6
- volume 5, 1877-1920 : https://archive.org/details/conflictsinameri0005unse,
- volume 6, 1920-1945 : https://archive.org/details/conflictsinameri0006unse
The Story of America (1991)
- The Story of America Beginnings to 1914, 1000 p. (ISBN 9780030733574, lire en ligne),
- The Story of America, 1865 to the Present, 790 p. (ISBN 9780030729010, lire en ligne)
The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History (2013)
- volume 1 :
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/oxfordencycloped0002unse_f0b3 (M-Z)
Dictionary Of Social Welfare In America (1986)
Historical Viewpoints: Notable Articles from American Heritage (1995)
- Historical Viewpoints: Notable Articles from American Heritage, To 1877, vol. 1 (lire en ligne),
- Historical Viewpoints: Notable Articles from American Heritage : Since 1865, vol. 2 (lire en ligne)
The Social science encyclopedia
Encyclopedia of social problems (2008)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofso0001unse_h6a3,
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofso0002unse_r5v4,
Sociology of Work (2013)
- volume 1. A-L : https://archive.org/details/sociologyofworke0000unse,
- volume 2. M-Z, index : https://archive.org/details/sociologyofworke0002unse,
American Dissidents : An Encyclopedia of Activists, Subversives, and Prisoners of Conscience (2011)
- vol. 1 :
- vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/americandissiden0000unse (K-Z)
L' Encyclopedia of North American History en 10 volumes (1999) :
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofno01supe ( Abolitionist movement - Black codes and slave codes ),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofno02supe ( Borden's ministry - Cleveland's presidencies),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofno04supe ( Equal pay act - Indian civil rights act),
- volume 9 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofno09supe (Southeastern American Indians - Vietnam War),
- volume 10 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofno10supe (Viking expeditions - Zuñi Rebellion),
L' Encyclopedia of American history en 10 volumes (2010)
- édition en 1 volume : https://archive.org/details/EncyclopediaOfAmericanHistory,
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0001unse_q5r3 (Three worlds meet, beginnings to 1607),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0002unse_g7h4 (Colonization and settlement, 1608-1760),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0003unse_h9p9 (Revolution and new nation, 1761, 1812),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0004unse_m1h5 (Expansion and reform, 1813 to 1855),
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0005unse_v1t9 ( Civil War and Reconstruction, 1856 to 1869),
- volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0006unse_l2y7 (The development of the industrial United States, 1870 to 1899),
- volume 9 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0009unse_u9n4 ( Postwar United States, 1946 to 1968),
- volume 10 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0010unse ( Contemporary United States, 1969-2003),
- (en-US) Encyclopedia of American History, volume 11, Index, Facts on File, , 360 p. (ISBN 9780816071364, lire en ligne),
L'Encyclopedia of American social history en 3 volumes (1993)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam01pedi (histoire et étapes),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0002unse_d6v8 (sub-cultures),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam03pedi (problèmes sociaux et éducation),
Development Of The Industrial U.S. en 3 volumes (2005)
- (en-US) Sonia G. Benson, Development Of The Industrial U.S. Reference Library: Biography, Thomson/Gale / UXL, , 328 p. (ISBN 9781414401768, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Sonia G. Benson, Development of the Industrial U.S. Reference Library: Primary Sources, Thomson/Gale / UXL, , 280 p. (ISBN 9781414401799, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Sonia G. Benson, Development of the Industrial U.S. Reference Library: Almanac, Thomson/Gale / UXL, , 280 p. (ISBN 9781414401751, lire en ligne)
L'Encyclopedia of American social movements en 4 volumes,
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0000unse_j8e6 (Antislavery movement, Civil Rights movement, Women's movement)
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0002unse_n6h9 (Women's movement, Labor movement, Native American movement)
Encyclopedia of Social Work 2005-2008
- volume 1 (A-C) : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofso0001unse_e9r4,
- volume 2 (D-I) : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofso0002unse_i0f9,
- volume 3 (J-R) : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofso0003unse_o3e5,
- volume 4 (S-Z) : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofso0004unse_v2h0,
Droits civiques
Encyclopedia of Civil Rights in America de Shelley Fisher Fishkin & David Bradley en 3 volumes (1997)
- Shelley Fisher Fishkin & David Bradley (dir.), The encyclopedia of civil rights in America, volume 1 : Abernathy, Ralph--Equal protection clause, Armonk, New York, Routledge, , 392 p. (ISBN 9780765680006, lire en ligne),
- Shelley Fisher Fishkin & David Bradley, The encyclopedia of civil rights in America, volume 2 : Equal Rights Amendment--Presidency, U.S., Armonk, New York, Routledge, , 392 p. (ISBN 9780765680006, lire en ligne),
- Shelley Fisher Fishkin & David Bradley (dir.), Encyclopaedia of Civil Rights in America, volume 3 : Price, U.S. vs.--Zoot suit riots, Armonk, New York, Routledge, , 392 p. (ISBN 9780765680006, lire en ligne).
Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties de Otis H. Stephens Jr, John M. Scheb II & Kara Elizabeth Stooksbury, en 3 volumes (2006)
- Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, volume 1 : A-G, Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press, , 504 p. (ISBN 9780313327582, lire en ligne),
- Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, volume 2 : H-R, Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press, , 480 p. (ISBN 9780313327582, lire en ligne),
- Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, volume 3 : S-Z, Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press, , 488 p. (ISBN 9780313327582, lire en ligne).
The Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America de David Schultz en 3 volumes (2004)
- David Schultz (dir.), The Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America, volume 1 : A-E, Armonk, New York, Sharpe Reference, , 458 p. (ISBN 9781780341217, lire en ligne),
- David Schultz (dir.), The Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America, volume 2 : F-P, Armonk, New York, Sharpe Reference, , 496 p. (ISBN 9780765680631, lire en ligne),
- David Schultz (dir.), The Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America, volume 3 : Q-Z, Armonk, New York, Sharpe Reference, , 464 p. (ISBN 9780765680631, lire en ligne),
Reporting Civil Rights en 2 volumes (2003)
- Clayborne Carson & al. (dir.), Reporting Civil Rights, Part One : American Journalism 1941-1963, New York, Library of America, , 1064 p. (ISBN 9781931082280, lire en ligne),
- Clayborne Carson & al., Reporting Civil Rights, Part Two: American Journalism 1963-1973, New York, Library of America, , 1066 p. (ISBN 9781931082297, lire en ligne)
Politique et Constitution des États-Unis
- A March of Liberty : A Constitutional History of the United States, par Melvin I. Urofsky : https://archive.org/details/marchoflibertyco0000urof,
- America's Constitutional Soul, par Harvey Mansfield Jr. : https://archive.org/details/americasconstitu0000mans,
- America's Political System: A Text with Cases, New York, McGraw-Hill Humanities, , 644 p. (ISBN 9780070715844, lire en ligne),
- American political leaders, New York, Facts on File, , 472 p. (ISBN 9780816045365, lire en ligne),
- American Reform and Reformers: A Biographical Dictionary de Randall M. Miller & Paul A. Cimbala : https://archive.org/details/americanreformre0000unse,
- American Reformers: An H.W. Wilson Biographical Dictionary par Alden Whitman : https://archive.org/details/americanreformer00whit
- Biographical Dictionary of the American Left, Greenwood Press, , 500 p. (ISBN 9780313242007, lire en ligne)
- Biographical Dictionary of Modern World Leaders: 1992 to the Present : https://archive.org/details/biographicaldict0000unse,
- Ethics in U.S. Government: An Encyclopedia of Investigations, Scandals, Reforms, and Legislation, Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press, , 400 p. (ISBN 9780313311987, lire en ligne)
- Freedom in America, par Kenneth Bridges : https://archive.org/details/freedominamerica0000brid,
- Government in America People, Politics, and Policy, New York, Addison Wesley Longman, , 824 p. (ISBN 9780321292544, lire en ligne),
- The Patriot's Handbook: A Citizenship Primer for a New Generation of Americans, par George Grant : https://archive.org/details/patriotshandbook00geor,
- Witnesses at the creation: Hamilton, Madison, Jay, and the Constitution, par Richard B. Morris : https://archive.org/details/witnessesatcreat0001morr
Corruption et scandales liés au pouvoir
- Zephyr Teachout, Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin's Snuff Box to Citizens United, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, , 392 p. (ISBN 9780674050402, lire en ligne),
- Jeffrey D. Schultz, Presidential Scandals, Washington, D.C, CQ Press, , 512 p. (ISBN 9781568024141, lire en ligne),
- Robert Williams, Political Scandals in the USA, Édimbourg (G.B), Keele University Press, , 156 p. (ISBN 9780585123035, lire en ligne),
- Michael Johnston, Political Corruption And Public Policy In America, Monterey, Californie, Brooks/Cole Publisher, , 228 p. (ISBN 9780818504594, lire en ligne),
- George Charles Sumner Benson, Political Corruption In America, Lexington, Massachusetts, Lexington Books, , 374 p. (ISBN 9780669020083, lire en ligne),
Political Corruption in America : an Encyclopedia of Scandals, Power and Greed (2003)
- Mark Grossman (dir.), Political Corruption in America : an encyclopedia of scandals, power, and greed / volume 1 (A - R), Santa Barbara, Californie, ABC-CLIO, , 406 p. (ISBN 9781592372973, lire en ligne),
- Mark Grossman (dir.), Political Corruption in America : an encyclopedia of scandals, power, and greed / volume 2 (S - Z), Millerton, New York, Grey House Publishing, , 408 p. (ISBN 9781592372973, lire en ligne).
La Guerre d'Indépendance
- (en-US) Donald R. Wright, African Americans in the Colonial Era: From African Origins Through the American Revolution, Arlington, Illinois, Harlan Davidson, , 200 p. (ISBN 9780882958323, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Daniel C. Littlefield, Revolutionary Citizens: African Americans 1776-1804, New York, Oxford University Press, USA, , 152 p. (ISBN 9780195087154, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Nancy L. Rhoden, Ian K. Steele (dir.), The Human Tradition in the American Revolution, Scholarly Resources Inc., (ISBN 9781306094276, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Harold E. Selesky, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution: Library of Military History, Detroit, Charles Scribner's Sons, , 728 p. (ISBN 9780684314723, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Robert J. O'Neill & Daniel Marston (dir.), The American Revolutionary War, New York, Rosen Publishing Group, , 104 p. (ISBN 9781448813315, lire en ligne),
Encyclopedia of the American Revolutionary War en 5 volumes (2006)
- volume 1 : (en-US) Gregory Fremont-Barnes, The Encyclopedia of the American Revolutionary War, volume 1 (A-D), Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, , 440 p. (ISBN 9781851094134, lire en ligne)
- volume 2 : (en-US) Gregory Fremont-Barnes, The Encyclopedia of the American Revolutionary War, volume 2 (E-L), Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, , 436 p. (ISBN 9781851094134, lire en ligne),
- volume 3 :
- volume 4 : (en-US) Gregory Fremont-Barnes, The Encyclopedia of the American Revolutionary War, volume 4 (S-Z), Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, , 512 p. (ISBN 9781851094080, lire en ligne)
Encyclopedia of Revolutionary America, en 3 volumes (2010)
- (en-US) Paul A. Gilje & Gary B. Nash, Encyclopedia of Revolutionary America, volume 1 (A-G), New York, Facts On File, , 400 p. (ISBN 9780816065059, lire en ligne),
- Vol. 2 :
- Vol. 3 :
La Guerre de Sécession
- (en-US) Charles Edwin Rozwenc, Slavery As a Cause of the Civil War, Boston, D. C. Heath And Company, , 132 p. (ISBN 9781125649688, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Kenneth M. Stampp, The Causes of the Civil War, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1 janvier 1965, rééd. 15 janvier 1992, 204 p. (ISBN 9780671751555, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) William A. Gladstone, United States Colored Troops, 1863-1867, Gettysburg, Pennsylvanie, Thomas Publications, , 136 p. (ISBN 9780939631162, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Charles P. Roland, An American Iliad: The Story of The Civil War, Lexington, Kentucky, University Press of Kentucky, , 308 p. (ISBN 9780813117379, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Stephen W. Sears, The Civil war : the best of American heritage, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, , 260 p. (ISBN 9780395619063, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Michael Perman, The Coming of the American Civil War, Lexington, D. C. Heath and Co., , 356 p. (ISBN 9780669271065, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Philip R.N. Katcher, The Civil War source book, New York, Facts on File, , 324 p. (ISBN 9780816028238, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Eugene H. Berwanger, The Civil War Era: Historical Viewpoints, Fort Worth, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, , 260 p. (ISBN 9780155010390, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Bruce Catton & James M. McPherson, The American heritage new history of the Civil War, New York, MetroBooks, 1996, rééd. 1 octobre 2001, 648 p. (ISBN 9780670868049, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Brooks D. Simpson, America's Civil War, Wheeling, Illinois, Harlan Davidson, , 260 p. (ISBN 9780882959290, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Clark G. Reynolds, Peter Rea & Jane Adams, The Civil War, Quadrillion Publishing, , 400 p. (ISBN 9781858337036, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Christopher Collier & James Lincoln Collier, Slavery and the coming of the Civil War, 1831-1861, Cavendish Square Publishing, 1 septembre 1997, rééd. 1 janvier 2000, 104 p. (ISBN 9780761408178, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Paul Brewer, The American Civil War, Austin, Raintree, , 88 p. (ISBN 9780817254483, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Corinne J. Naden & Rose Blue, Why fight? : the causes of the American Civil War, Austin, Raintree Steck-Vaughn, , 120 p. (ISBN 9780817255800, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) William L. Barney, The Civil War and Reconstruction: A Student Companion, New York, Oxford University Press, USA, , 376 p. (ISBN 9780195115598, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Wim Coleman & Pat Perrin, The American Civil War, San Diego, Greenhaven Press, , 228 p. (ISBN 9780737720204, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) David M. Holford, Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation in American History, Berkeley Heights, Enslow Publishers, , 136 p. (ISBN 9780766014565, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) John David Smith (dir.), Black Soldiers in Blue: African American Troops in the Civil War Era, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 11 novembre 2002, rééd. 30 août 2004, 488 p. (ISBN 9780807855799, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Ray B. Browne & Lawrence A. Kreiser Jr., The Civil War and Reconstruction, Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press, , 248 p. (ISBN 9780313095184, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Thomas S. Owens, On Both Sides of the Civil War, Logan, Perfection Learning, , 44 p. (ISBN 9780756944896, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Kim A. O'Connell, Slavery, emancipation, and the Civil War, Berkeley Heights, Myreportlinks.com, , 56 p. (ISBN 9780766051904, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Sheila Nelson Stewart, Americans Divided: The Civil War, Philadelphie, Mason Crest Publishers, , 104 p. (ISBN 9781590849088, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Scott Marquette, The Civil War, Vero Beach, Rourke Publishing, juillet 2002, rééd. décembre 2005, 56 p. (ISBN 9781589523883, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Deborah H. Deford, African Americans During the Civil War, New York, Chelsea House Publications, , 120 p. (ISBN 9780816061389, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) James A. Corrick, The Civil War and emancipation, Detroit, Lucent Books, , 112 p. (ISBN 9781420500080, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Don Nardo, The Civil War, Detroit, Lucent Books, décembre 2002, rééd. 28 mai 2008, 112 p. (ISBN 9781420500653, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Matt Doeden, The Civil War: An Interactive History Adventure, Mankato, Capstone Press, , 116 p. (ISBN 9781429634199, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Michael Burgan, North over South : final victory in the Civil War, Mankato, Compass Point Books, , 68 p. (ISBN 9780756543693, lire en ligne)
La guerre de sécession et la reconstruction
- The Civil War and Reconstruction: A Student Companion, , 371 p. (ISBN 9780195115598, lire en ligne),
- The Civil War and Reconstruction, , 248 p. (ISBN 9780313313257, lire en ligne),
Encyclopedia Of The Reconstruction Era (2006)
- vol. 1 :
- vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofre0000unse_y7t6 (M-Z)
The Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History (2011)
- vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/civilwarerarecon0000snod/ (A-J)
- vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/civilwarerarecon0002snod/page/n5/mode/2up (L-Z)
Pour les biographies des militaires vous avez le Dictionary Of American Military Biography en 3 Volumes (1984) :
- vol 1 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer01roge (A-G)
- vol 2 : https://archive.org/details/dictamermilitaar03roge (H-P)
- vol 3 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer02roge (Q-Z)
Les décisions de la Cour suprême
- (en-US) Peter P. Sgroi, The Living Constitution: Landmark Supreme Court Decisions, Julian Messner, , 152 p. (ISBN 9780671619725, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Paul Finkelman & Melvin I. Urofsky, Landmark Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, CQ Press, , 712 p. (ISBN 9781568027203, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Charles Fried, Saying What the Law Is: The Constitution in the Supreme Court, Harvard University Press, 26 mars 2004, rééd. 2005, 340 p. (ISBN 9780674019546, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) John W. Johnson, Historic U.S. Court Cases 1690-1990: An Encyclopedia, Garland Pub./ Taylor & Francis, , 763 p. (ISBN 9780824044305, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Kay Cornelius, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., The Supreme Court, Chelsea House Publishers, 1 février 2000, rééd. 1 janvier 2007, 72 p. (ISBN 9780791055328, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) David G. Savage, The Supreme Court and Individual Rights, CQ Press, 2004, rééd. juillet 2009, 405 p. (ISBN 9780872894242, lire en ligne),
U.S. court cases en 3 volumes (1999-2008)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/uscourtcases0000sale, (Abington School District v. Schempp-Keyes v. Denver School District)
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/uscourtcases0000unse, (Geofroy v. Riggs - Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co))
- Thomas Tandy Lewis, U.S. Supreme Court, volume 3 : Scott v. Sandford - Zoning, Pasadena, Californie, Salem Press, , 536 p. (ISBN 9781587654084, lire en ligne).
Landmark decisions of the United States Supreme Court en 7 volumes
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780962801426,
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/landmarkdecision03harr,
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/landmarkdecision00harr
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/landmarkdecision05exce,
- volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/landmarkdecision06exce,
- volume 7 : https://archive.org/details/landmarkdecision0000unse
Great American court cases en 4 volumes
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericancou0002unse (justice pénale),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericancou0000unse (droit du travail, gouvernement)
Historic U.S. Court Cases: An Encyclopedia en deux volumes
The U.S. Supreme Court en 3 volumes
Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court en 2 volumes
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/guidetoussupreme0001sava,
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/guidetoussupreme0000sava.
Encyclopedia of the Great Depression and the New Deal (2001)
- vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofgr0000unse/
- vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofgr0000unse_z9o2/
Pour le cinéma
- A to Z of American Women in the Performing Arts: A Biographical Dictionary, Facts on File, (ISBN 9780816043989, lire en ligne),
- International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers: Directors, Detroit, St. James Press, , 1970 p. (ISBN 9781558624771, lire en ligne),
- International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers - Actors and Actresses, Detroit, St. James Press, , 1640 p. (ISBN 9781558624528, lire en ligne),
- International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers - Writers and Production Artists, Detroit, St. James Press, , 512 p. (ISBN 9780912289045, lire en ligne),
- World Film Directors volume I : 1890-1945, New York, H. W. Wilson, , 1253 p. (ISBN 9780824207571, lire en ligne),
- World Film Directors, Volume II: 1945-1985, New York, H. W. Wilson, , 1230 p. (ISBN 9780824207632, lire en ligne)
- The Encyclopedia of Great Filmmakers, New York, Checkmark Books, , 420 p. (ISBN 9780816043859, lire en ligne),
- The St. James Film Directors Encyclopedia, Detroit, Visible Ink Press, , 728 p. (ISBN 9781578590285, lire en ligne),
- The encyclopedia of movie awards : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofmo00mich ,
- le Variety movie guide : https://archive.org/details/varietymovieguid00dere,
- le Roger Ebert's movie yearbook 1999 : https://archive.org/details/rogerebertsmovie00roge_5,
- Film Noir: An Encyclopedic Reference to the American Style, par Alain Silver & Elizabeth M. Ward : https://archive.org/details/filmnoir00alai,
- Film Noir Reader par Alain Silver & James Ursini : https://archive.org/details/filmnoirreader00silv,
- American Directors, volume 1 par Jean Pierre Coursodon & Pierre Sauvage : https://archive.org/details/americandirector01cour,
- American Directors, volume 2 par Jean Pierre Coursodon : https://archive.org/details/americandirector0002cour/,
- Movie-Made America: A Cultural History of American Movies, New York, Vintage, , 436 p. (ISBN 9780679755494, lire en ligne),
- The Movie Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained, DK, , 354 p. (ISBN 9781465437990, lire en ligne),
- The Ultimate Encyclopedia of the Movies, Carlton Books, , 312 p. (ISBN 9781858680798, lire en ligne),
- Alice Mulcahey Fleming, The moviemakers, New York, St. Martin's Press, , 198 p. (LCCN 72089424, lire en ligne),
- Ian Freer, Movie Makers: 50 Iconic Directors from Chaplin to the Coen Brothers, Londres, Quercus, , 200 p. (ISBN 9781847245120, lire en ligne),
- Jay Leyda, Before Hollywood: Turn of the Century Film from American Archives, American Federation of Arts, , 176 p. (ISBN 9780917418815, lire en ligne),
- William K. Everson, American Silent Film, New York, Da Capo Press, , 476 p. (ISBN 9780306808760, lire en ligne),
- Richard Abel, Silent film, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, , 336 p. (ISBN 9780813522265, lire en ligne),
- Joel W. Finler, Silent Cinema, Londres, B.T. Batsford, , 196 p. (ISBN 9780713480726, lire en ligne),
- George Pratt, Spellbound in Darkness: A History of the Silent Film, Greenwich, Connecticut, New York Graphic Society, , 568 p. (ISBN 9780821204863, lire en ligne),
Pour le Jazz et la musique populaire
- Encyclopedia of American gospel music (2005) : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0000unse_b0g9,
- The encyclopedia of jazz (1987), par Leonard Feather : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofja0000feat_z6t9,
- Leonard Feather, The Biographical Encyclopedia of Jazz, Oxford University Press, USA, (ISBN 9780195320008, lire en ligne)
- The encyclopedia of jazz & blues, par Shadwick Keith : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofja0000shad_c5i0,
- Definitive Illustrated encyclopedia : Jazz & Blues, par Julia Rolf : https://archive.org/details/definitiveillust0000unse_b5c5,
- Dictionnaire de Jazz de Philippe Carle : https://archive.org/details/dictionnaireduja0000carl,
- The Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Jazz, par Brian Case : https://archive.org/details/harmonyillustrat0000case,
- Jazzology : the encyclopedia of jazz theory for all musicians, par Robert Rollins : https://archive.org/details/jazzologyencyclo0000rawl,
- Jazz Portraits : The Lives and Music of the Jazz Masters par Len Lyons & Don Perlo : https://archive.org/details/jazzportraitsliv0000lyon_0,
- Reading Jazz : A Gathering Of Autobiography, Reportage And Criticism From 1919 To Now, par Robert Gottlieb : https://archive.org/details/readingjazzgathe0000unse,
- Richard Cook's jazz encyclopedia, par Richard Cook : https://archive.org/details/richardcooksjazz00rich,
- The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music, par Donald Clarke : https://archive.org/details/penguinencyclope00clar,
- Discovering Great Singers Of Classic Pop, par Roy Hemming et David Hajdu : https://archive.org/details/discoveringgreat00hemm,
- The Faber Companion to 20th-Century Popular Music, par Phil Hardy : https://archive.org/details/fabercompanionto03edhard,
- The Great American Popular Singers, par Henry Pleasants : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanpop00plea,
- The Da Capo Book Of American Singing Groups, par Jay Warner : https://archive.org/details/dacapobookofamer00warne,
- Jazz Singing: America's Great Voices from Bessie Smith to Bebop and Beyond, (lire en ligne)
- A Biographical Guide to the Great Jazz and Pop Singers, (lire en ligne),
The Encyclopedia of Popular Music de Colin Larkin (1998)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofpo01lark (A Band of Angels-Burnel, Jean Jacques),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofpo02lark (Burnett, Carol-Dusty, Slim),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofpo03lark ( Dutch Swing College Band-Heptones),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofpo04lark ( Herbal Mixture-Louvin Brothers)
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofpo05lark (Louvin, Charlie-Paul, Clarence),
- volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofpo06lark (Paul, Emmanuel-Smith, Larry),
- volume 7 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofp007lark (Smith Leo-Wildchild),
- volume 8 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofpo08lark (Wilde, Kim-ZZ Top)
The Grove Dictionary of American Music en 8 volumes (2013)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/grovedictionaryo0000unse_l8t3, (AAMC-Brown, Clifford)
- volume 2 :
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/grovedictionaryo0003unse, (Dogle Alfred- Gyring Elizabeth)
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/grovedictionaryo0004unse, (Haas, Jonathan-Kyser, Kay)
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/grovedictionaryo0002unse, (La Barbara Joan-Myspace),
- volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/grovedictionaryo0006unse, (NAACC-Quotation)
- volume 7 : https://archive.org/details/grovedictionaryo0007unse, ( Rabin, Michael-Stein, Leon )
- volume 8 : https://archive.org/details/grovedictionaryo0008unse, (Stein Seymour-Zyman Samuel)
Dans le domaine des religions aux États-Unis
- Dictionary of American religious biography https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer00bowd,
- Catherine L. Albanese, America: Religions and Religion, Wadsworth Publishing Company, , 580 p. (ISBN 9780534164881, lire en ligne),
- Retelling U.S. Religious History, University of California Press, , 324 p. (ISBN 9780520205703, lire en ligne),
- Collectif, Americans and Religions in the Twenty-First Century, Sage Publications, , 256 p. (ISBN 9780761913108, lire en ligne),
- Religious Leaders Of America: A Biographical Guide To Founders And Leaders Of Religious Bodies, Churches,And Spiritual Groups In North America, Gale Research, , 774 p. (lire en ligne),
- Jacob Neusner, World Religions in America: An Introduction, Westminster John Knox Press, , 292 p. (ISBN 9780664258399, lire en ligne),
- Encyclopedia of Religious Controversies in the United States, , 568 p. (ISBN 9780313296918, lire en ligne),
Piétisme & puritanisme
- James Tanis, Dutch Calvinistic Pietism in the Middle Colonies: A Study in the Life and Theology of Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen, (lire en ligne),
- F. Ernest Stoeffler (dir.), Continental Pietism and Early American Christianity, (ISBN 9780802816412, lire en ligne),
- Joel R. Beeke, Randall J. Pederson, Meet the Puritans, , 902 p. (ISBN 9781601780003, lire en ligne),
Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States (2016)
- V. 1. A-C : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofch0001unse_m8d3,
- V. 2. C-G : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofch0002unse_a4o2,
- V. 3. H-M : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofch0003unse
- V. 4. N-S : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofch0004unse,
- V. 5. S-Z : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofch0005unse,
Encyclopedia Of American Religious History en 2 volumes (2001)
- The Encyclopedia Of American Religious History, volume 1, Facts on File, , 440 p. (lire en ligne),
- The Encyclopedia of American Religious History, Volume 2, Facts on File, , 472 p. (lire en ligne)
La Contemporary American Religion en 2 volumes (2000)
- Collectif, Contemporary American Religion, volume 1 : A-L, Macmillan Reference USA, , 440 p. (lire en ligne)
- Collectif, Contemporary American Religion, volume 2 : M-Z. Index, Macmillan Reference USA, , 472 p. (lire en ligne),
La Religion and American cultures : an encyclopedia of traditions, diversity, and popular expressions en 3 volumes (2003)
- Religion and American Cultures: An Encyclopedia of Traditions, Diversity, and Popular Expressions, volume 2, ABC-CLIO, , 384 p. (lire en ligne),
- Religion and American Cultures: An Encyclopedia of Traditions, Diversity, and Popular Expressions, volume 3, ABC-CLIO, , 376 p. (lire en ligne),
The making of American liberal theology (3 volumes) 2006, par Gary J. Dorrien
- The Making of American Liberal Theology 1805-1900, , 532 p. (ISBN 9780664223540, lire en ligne)
- The Making of American Liberal Theology: Crisis, Irony, and Postmodernity, 1950-2005, 684 p. (ISBN 9780664223564, lire en ligne),
- J. Gordon Melton, Biographical Dictionary of American Cult and Sect Leaders (lire en ligne),
Le système éducatif
Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration (2006)
- volume 1 : Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration (lire en ligne)
- volume 2 : Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration (lire en ligne),
Biographical Dictionary of American Educators (1978)
- Biographical Dictionary of American Educators, vol. 1, Greenwood Press, 550 p. (ISBN 9780837198941, lire en ligne),
- Biographical Dictionary Of American Educators, vol. 2, Greenwood Press, 550 p. (ISBN 9780837198958, lire en ligne)
Presse américaine
A History of American Magazines de Frank Luther Mott
- A History of American Magazines, vol. 1 : 1741-1850, Belknap Press, (ISBN 9780674395503, lire en ligne),
- A History of American Magazines, vol. 2 : 1850-1865, Belknap Press, (ISBN 9780674395510, lire en ligne),
- A History of American Magazines, vol. 3 : 1865-1885, Belknap Press, (ISBN 9780674395527, lire en ligne),
- A History of American Magazines, vol. 4 : 1885-1905, Belknap Press, (ISBN 9780674395534, lire en ligne),
- A History of American Magazines, vol. 5 : 1905-1930, Belknap Press, (ISBN 9780674395541, lire en ligne),
Littérature américaine
- American Literature, (The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, , 818 p. (ISBN 9780140138153, lire en ligne),
- American Literature (Ginn Literature Series), (ISBN 9780663434732, lire en ligne),
- Encyclopedia Of American Literature de Steven R. Serafin (1999) : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0000unse_a4q3,
- The Continuum Encyclopedia of American Literature, (ISBN 9780826415172, lire en ligne),
- Merriam-Webster's dictionary of American writers : https://archive.org/details/merriamwebstersd0000unse_y4o8/,
- Webster's New Explorer Dictionary of American Writers : https://archive.org/details/webstersnewexplo0000unse_f8y1,
- American Writers, par Elizabeth H. Oakes : https://archive.org/details/americanwriters0000oake,
- American Naturalistic And Realistic Novelists A Biographical Dictionary, 2002 : https://archive.org/details/americannaturali0000appl,
- American Colonial Writers, 1606 1734, , 419 p. (ISBN 9780810317031, lire en ligne),
- American Colonial Writers, 1735-1781, 1984: https://archive.org/details/americancolonial0000unse_x6t3,
- Jewish American Women Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical and Critical Sourcebook, 1994 : https://archive.org/details/jewishamericanwo0000unse
- Claudia Rankine & Lisa Sewell, American Poets in the 21st Century, (ISBN 9780819567284, lire en ligne),,
- James David Hart (dir.), The Concise Oxford Companion to American Literature, New York, Oxford University Press, USA, , 516 p. (ISBN 9780195047714, lire en ligne),
- The Oxford Companion to Modern Poetry, Oxford, Oxford University Press, , 744 p. (ISBN 9780199640256, lire en ligne)
- The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, , 1448 p. (ISBN 9780691032719, lire en ligne),
- Kurt Hemmer, Encyclopedia of Beat Literature, , 426 p. (ISBN 9780816042975, lire en ligne),
- The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, (ISBN 9780140513639, lire en ligne),
- Collins Dictionary Of Literary Terms, (ISBN 9780007165551, lire en ligne),
- A Dictionary Of Literary And Thematic Terms, (ISBN 9780816032327, lire en ligne),
American Writers Before 1800, de James Levernier
- American Writers Before 1800, vol. 1 : A-F, (ISBN 9780313234767, lire en ligne),
- American Writers Before 1800, vol. 2 : G-P, (ISBN 9780313234774, lire en ligne),
- American Writers Before 1800, vol. 3 : Q-Z, (ISBN 9780313240966, lire en ligne),
Great American Writers: Twentieth Century (2002)
- vol 1 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0001unse, (Agee-Bellow)
- vol 2 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0002unse, (Benét-Cather)
- vol 3 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0003unse, (Cormier-Dylan)
- vol 4 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0004unse, (Eliot-Frost)
- vol 5 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0005unse, ( Gaines-Hinton)
- vol 6 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0006unse, (Hughes-Lewis)
- vol 7 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0007unse, (London - McNickle),
- vol 8 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0008unse, ( Miller-O'Connor)
- vol 9 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0000shum, (O'Neill-Rich),
- vol 10 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0010unse, (Salinger-Stein)
- vol 11 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0011unse, ( Steinbeck-Walker )
- vol 12 : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0012unse, (Welty-Zindel)
- vol 13, index : https://archive.org/details/greatamericanwri0013unse
Critical Survey of Poetry (2011)
- vol 1 :
- vol 2 : Critical Survey of Poetry: American Poets-Volume 2 : Roland Flint- Wing Trk Lum, Salem Press (ISBN 9781587655852, lire en ligne),
- vol 3 : Critical Survey of Poetry: American Poets-Volume 3 : Michael McClure - Dave Smith (ISBN 9781587655869, lire en ligne)
- vol 4 : Critical Survey of Poetry: American Poets-Volume 4 : William Jay Smith- Louis Zukofsky (ISBN 9781587655876, lire en ligne)
- Feminist Poets, par Rosemary M. Canfield Reisman, 281 p. (ISBN 9781587659003, lire en ligne)
Renaissance américaine
- The American Renaissance: New Dimensions, Bucknell University Press, (ISBN 9780838750544, lire en ligne),
- Visionary Compacts: American Renaissance Writings In Cultural Context, (ISBN 9780299110000, lire en ligne),
- The Representation of the Self in the American Renaissance, (ISBN 9780807817506, lire en ligne),
- Poetry Of The American Renaissance: A Diverse Anthology From The Romantic Period, , 383 p. (lire en ligne),
- The American Renaissance, (ISBN 9780791076767, lire en ligne),
Concise Dictionary of American Literary Biography en 6 volumes (1988)
- volume 1 : Colonization to the American Renaissance, 1640-1865 : https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar0000unse_b2a4,
- volume 2 : Realism, naturalisme and local colour, 1865-1917 : https://archive.org/details/realismnaturalis0000unse
- volume 3 : The Twenties, 1917-1929 : https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar0001unse,
- volume 4 : The age of maturity, 1929-1941 : https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar0004unse,
- volume 5 : The new consciousness, 1941-1968 : https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar0000unse_e1y9,
- volume 6 : Broadening views, 1968-1988 : https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar0000unse_b1n5,
Popular Contemporary Writers en dix volumes (2005)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/popularcontempor0001unse (Douglas Adams-Russell Banks),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/popularcontempor0002unse (Nevada Barr-Bill Bryson),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/popularcontempor0003unse (Octavia Butler-Arthur C. Clarke),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/popularcontempor0000unse (James Clavell-Rita Dove ),
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/popularcontempor0005unse (Louise Erdrich-Thomas Harris),
- volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/popularcontempor0006unse ( William Least Heat-Moon-Stephen King ),
- volume 7 : https://archive.org/details/popularcontempor0007unse_p8a3 (Barbara Kingsolver-Anne McCaffrey ),
- volume 8 : https://archive.org/details/popularcontempor0008unse (.Frank McCourt-Mario Puzo),
- volume 9 : https://archive.org/details/popularcontempor0009unse ( Anna Quindlen-Jane Smiley),
- volume 10 : https://archive.org/details/popularcontempor0010unse_v7q0 (Zadie Smith-Tobias Wolff ),
Dictionary of Literary Biography (1980-2000)
Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook
- Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook, 1987 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryoflite0000dict,
- Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook, 1984 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryoflite0000unse_z2a5,
- Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook, 1987 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryoflite0000dict,
- Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook, 1998 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryoflite0000unse_s1m5,
Dictionary of Literary Biography
- Vol. 1 ( Sherwood Anderson, Willa Cather, John Dos Passos, Theodore Dreiser, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis) : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryoflite0001unse,
- Vol. 2 (James Gould Cozzens, James T. Farrell, William Faulkner, John O'Hara, John Steinbeck, Thomas Wolfe, Richard Wright) :https://archive.org/details/dictionaryoflite02jame
- Vol. 4 (Tennessee Williams) : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryoflite04vana,
- Vol. 18 (Sasson, Graves, Owen) : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryoflite0018unse,
American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0001unse_l0w2
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0002unse
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0003unse,
- Supplément I-2 : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0001unse_c2u0 (1979),
- Supplément II-1 : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0002unse_j4p9, (1974)
- Supplément III-1 : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0003unse_t4x8 (1991),
- Supplément III-2 : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0003unse_v3y3_pt2 (1991),
- Supplément IV, Part 2 : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0000unse_v9a3 (1996),
- Supplément IV-1 : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0000unse_s9w2 (1996),
- Supplément V : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0000unse_d4i8 (2000),
- Supplément VII : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0007unse_a3b8 (2001),
- Supplément VIII : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0008unse_n5d0, (2001)
- Supplément IX : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0009unse_b6j6, (2002)
- Supplément X : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0010unse (2002),
- Supplément XI : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0011unse (2002),
- Supplément XII : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0012unse (2003),
- Supplement XIII : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0013unse_f2o8 (2003)
- Supplément XIV : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0014unse_z2m5 (2004)
- Supplément XV : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0015unse_z0f8 (2006)
- rétrospective II : https://archive.org/details/americanwritersc0002unse_u8h1 (2002)
Encyclopedia of American Poetry (2014)
- The Nineteenth Century : https://archive.org/details/routledgeencyclo0000unse_k3g0,
Critique poétique
Il existe la collection Contemporary literary criticism, qui compile chaque année les recensions de critiques littéraire. Chaque numéro est organisé par noms des poètes concernés. De nombreux numéros sont accessibles sur le site archive.org : https://archive.org/search.php?query=Contemporary%20literary%20criticism.
Research guide to American literature en 7 volumes (2010)
- volume 1 : Colonial literature, 1607-1776 : https://archive.org/details/researchguidetoa0000unse,
- volume 2 :
- volume 3 : Romanticism and transcendentalism, 1820-1865 : https://archive.org/details/researchguidetoa0000unse_e2z2,
- volume 4 :
- volume 5 :
- volume 6 :
- volume 7 :
Encyclopedia of American Literature en 3 volumes (2002)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0001unse_o0y2 (The colonial and revolutionary era, 1607-1814 / Carol Ruth Berkin),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0002unse_r5v3 (The age of romanticism and realism, 1815-1914 / Lisa Paddock),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0003unse_c3x3 , éd. 2008, ( Into the modern 1896-1945),
L'Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature en 4 volumes (2004)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/oxfordencycloped0001unse_a0u8 (Academic novels-The Essay in America )
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/oxfordencycloped0002unse_u1i2, ( William Faulkner-Mina Loy)
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/oxfordencycloped0003unse_l7c8 (Norman Mailer-Sentimental literature)
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/oxfordencycloped0004unse_t9j3 (Anne Sexton-Writing as a woman in the twentieth century, Topical outline of articles, Directory of contributors, Index)
Magill's survey of American literature en 6 volumes (2007)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/magillssurveyofa0001unse (Abbey-Chopin)
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/magillssurveyofa0002unse_a6l1 (Cisnero-Guare),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/magillssurveyofa0003unse (H.D.-Larsen),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/magillssurveyofa0004unse (Leacock-O'Connor)
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/magillssurveyofa0005unse (Odets-Stein),
- volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/magillssurveyofa0000unse (Steinbeck-Zindel)
Dictionary of Midwestern literature (2003 - 2017)
- Volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofmidw0000unse,
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofmidw0002unse,
Notable Poets en 3 volumes (1998)
- Notable Poets Vol. 1 Anna Akhmatova - George Herbert, Salem Press, , 504 p. (lire en ligne)
- Notable Poets Vol. 2 Friedrich Hölderlin--Adrienne Rich, Salem Press, , 488 p. (lire en ligne)
- Notable Poets Vol. 3 Rainer Maria Rilke--Yevtushenko, Salem Press, , 496 p. (lire en ligne)
Contemporary Poets
- première édition :
- seconde édition :
- troisième édition 1980 : https://archive.org/details/contemporarypoet0000unse_w1g9,
- quatrième édition 1985 : https://archive.org/details/contemporarypoet00dict,
- cinquième édition 1991 : https://archive.org/details/contemporarypoet00tion,
- sixième édition 1995 : https://archive.org/details/contemporarypoet0000unse_g7b9,
- septième édition 2001 : https://archive.org/details/contemporarypoet0000unse_q1s2,
Poets: American And British (1998)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/poetsamericanbri0001unse,
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/poetsamericanbri0002unse,
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/poetsamericanbri0003unse
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry en 5 Volumes (2006) :
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0001unse (A-C),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0000unse (M-R),
Les beaux arts
- A to Z of American Women in the Visual Arts, Facts on File, (ISBN 9780816043972, lire en ligne),
- Artists, Advertising, and the Borders of Art, , 435 p. (ISBN 9780226063072, lire en ligne)
- Arts & Crafts Companion, Thames & Hudson, (ISBN 9780500511602, lire en ligne),
- American Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Decorative Arts, Photography, ABRAMS, (ISBN 9780810906587, lire en ligne),
- American Women Sculptors: A History of Women Working in Three Dimensions, Thorndike Press, , 664 p. (ISBN 9780816187324, lire en ligne),
- American Art 1908-1947: From Winslow Homer to Jackson Pollock, Harry N. Abrams, (ISBN 9780810963634, lire en ligne),
- Coming of Age: American Art, 1850s to 1950s, Yale University Press, (ISBN 9780300115239, lire en ligne),
- Encylopedia of American Art, Dutton Books, (ISBN 9780525931645, lire en ligne),
- Encyclopedia Of Photography, Chancellor Press, (ISBN 9780706417418, lire en ligne),
- Encyclopedia of Arts and Crafts, Grange Books, (ISBN 9781840138245, lire en ligne),
- Encyclopedia of Artists of the American West, Secaucus: Castle, (lire en ligne),
- Fine Arts in America, University of Chicago Press, , 288 p. (ISBN 9780226791500, lire en ligne),
- Graphic Artists Guild's Directory of Illustration, Madison Square Press, (ISBN 9780823058303, lire en ligne),
- History of American Art, Bantam Doubleday Dell, (ISBN 9780440036371, lire en ligne),
- Handtools of Arts and Crafts: The Encyclopedia of the Fine, Decorative, and Applied Arts, St. Martin's Press, (ISBN 9780312358600, lire en ligne),
- History Of American Art, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, (ISBN 9780030818356, lire en ligne),
- Sculpture In America: From the Colonial Period to the Present, Crowell, , 760 p. (ISBN 9780690722406, lire en ligne),
Culture populaire américaine
St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture en 5 volumes (2013)
- St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture, Volume 2 : Cre-H, (ISBN 9781558628496, lire en ligne)
La philosophie américaine
- (en-US) Herbert Wallace Schneider, A History Of American Philosophy, Columbia University Press, , 6012 p. (ISBN 9780231026451, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) John E. Smith, The Spirit of American Philosophy, State University of New York Press, , 280 p. (ISBN 9780873956512, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Robert W. Shahan & Kenneth R. Merrill, American Philosophy from Edwards to Quine, University of Oklahoma Press, , 216 p. (ISBN 9780806115948, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Charles Hartshorne, Creativity in American Philosophy, State University of New York Press, , 320 p. (ISBN 9780873958172, lire en ligne),
- (en) Marcus G. Singer, American Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, , 364 p. (ISBN 9780521310482, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Richard E. Hart & Douglas Anderson, Philosophy in experience : American philosophy in transition, Fordham University Press, , 300 p. (ISBN 9780823216314, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) John Lachs & Robert B. Talisse, American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia, Routledge, , 880 p. (ISBN 9780415939263, lire en ligne)
Pour la littérature dite multiethnique
- Contemporary American Ethnic Poets: Lives, Works, Sources, Greenwood Press, (ISBN 9780313324840, lire en ligne),
La Greenwood Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature en 5 Volumes (2005) :
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0001unse_h2c9 (A-C),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0000nels (D-H),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0003unse_v6n4 (I-M),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0004unse_f9z0 (N-S),
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0005unse_n0u3 (T-Z),
L'American Ethnic Writers en 3 volumes (2009)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/americanethnicwr0000unse_x7e6
- Volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/americanethnicwr0002unse
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/americanethnicwr0003unse_b4j9
Pour les Latino-Américains :
- Modern Latin American Fiction Writers, Detroit, Gale Research, (ISBN 9780810375901, lire en ligne)
- Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature, Londres, Chicago, Routledge, (ISBN 9781884964183, lire en ligne)
La Latin American Writers en 3 volumes de Carlos A. Solé (1989) :
- Volume 1
- Volume 2 (lire en ligne)
- Volume 3 (lire en ligne)
La Greenwood encyclopedia of Latino literature en 3 volumes (2008) :
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0002unse_m7r2 (G-P),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0000unse_o3g4 (Q-Z),
Pour Asio-Américains :
- Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature, , 408 p. (ISBN 9780816060863, lire en ligne),
- Encyclopedia of Japanese American history : an A-to-Z reference from 1868 to the present : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofja0000unse,
- Japanese Americans: Oppression and Success, par William Petersen : https://archive.org/details/japaneseamerican00pete_0,
- Lost and Found: Reclaiming the Japanese American Incarceration, par Karen L. Ishizuka : https://archive.org/details/lostfoundreclaim00ishi,
- Historical Memories of the Japanese American Internment and the Struggle for Redress, par Alice Murray : https://archive.org/details/historicalmemori00murr,
Pour les Nord-Amérindiens
- Native American Women Writers, Chelsea House Publications, (ISBN 9780791044797, lire en ligne),
- Dictionary of Literary Biography: Native American Writers, (ISBN 9780810399389, lire en ligne),
- American Indian Portraits, (2000) : https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780028654911/,
- Indian nation : Native American literature and nineteenth-century nationalisms de Cheryl Walker : https://archive.org/details/indiannationnati0000walk,
- Early native American writing : new critical essays de Helen Jaskoski : https://archive.org/details/earlynativeameri0000unse,
- Native American traditions par Arthur Versluis : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericantr0000vers,
- The native American oral tradition : voices of the spirit and soul par Lois J. Einhorn & Tamarack Song: https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanor00lois,
- Native American art par Petra Press : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanar0000pres_w8h2,
- Native American Art and Folklore: A Cultural Celebration par David Campbell : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanar0000camp,
- Native American Arts and Cultures par Anne D'Alleva : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanar0000dall,
- Native American Myths Retold and Interpreted par Steve Eddy : https://archive.org/details/teachyourselfnat00stev,
- Native American Myths par Anita Dalal : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanmy0000dala,
- Native American Myths and Legends par Colin F. Taylor : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanmy0000unse,
- American Indian Myths and Legends par Richard Erdoes & Alfonso Ortiz : https://archive.org/details/americanindianmy0000unse,
- The Myths of the North American Indians par Lewis Spence : https://archive.org/details/mythsofnorthamer00spen_1,
- Native American stories of the sacred : annotated & explained : retold, annotated & explained par Evan T. Pritchard : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanst00evan,
- Native American issues par Paul C. Rosier : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanis0000rosi,
- Native American medicine par Nancy Bonvillain : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanme00nanc,
- Native American Medicine par Tamra B. Orr : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanme0000orrt,
- Native American Cookbook par Edna Henry : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanco0000henr,
- Foods of the Southwest Indian Nations par Lois Ellen Frank : https://archive.org/details/foodsofsouthwest0000fran,
- Native American confederacies par Anna Carew-Miller : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanco0000care,
- Native American Rights par Tamara L. Roleff : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericanri0000unse,
- Treaties with American Indians : an encyclopedia of rights, conflicts, and sovereignty, vol 1 par Donald L. Fixico : https://archive.org/details/treatieswithamer0000unse,
- The Relocation of the North American Indian par Don Nardo : https://archive.org/details/relocationofamer0000nard,
- The Indian Removal Act: Forced Relocation par Mark Stewart : https://archive.org/details/indianremovalact0000stew,
- American Indian Education: A History par Jon Reyhner & Jeanne Eder : https://archive.org/details/americanindianed0000reyh,
- Modern American Indian Leaders par Ruth Hull Chatlien : https://archive.org/details/modernamericanin0000chat,
- Citizen Indians: Native American Intellectuals, Race, and Reform par Lucy Maddox : https://archive.org/details/citizenindiansna00madd,
- Encyclopedia of the American Indian Movement par Bruce Elliott Johansen : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0000joha,
- American Indian politics and the American political system par David E. Wilkins : https://archive.org/details/americanindianpo0003wilk,
- Modern Tribal Development: Paths to Self-Sufficiency and Cultural Integrity in Indian Country par Dean Howard Smith : https://archive.org/details/moderntribaldeve0000smit,
- America Is Indian Country: The Best of Indian Country Today par José Barreiro : https://archive.org/details/americaisindianc0000unse,
- Native Americans and the U.S. Government par Joanne Mattern : https://archive.org/details/nativeamericansu0000matt,
Pour les femmes :
- 100 women who shaped world history de Gail Meyer Rolka : https://archive.org/details/100womenwhoshape0000rolk,
- Early American Women: A Documentary History, 1600 1900, Wadsworth Publishing Company, , 565 p. (lire en ligne),
- The 100 Most Influential Women of All Time: A Ranking Past and Present de Deborah G. Felder : https://archive.org/details/100mostinfluenti0000feld,
- 100 Most Important Women of the 20th Century, par Kevin Markey : https://archive.org/details/100mostimportant0000mark,
- The 50 Most Influential Women In American Law, par Dawn Bradley Berry : https://archive.org/details/50mostinfluentia00berr/,
- Growing Up Female in America: Ten Lives, par Eve Merriam : https://archive.org/details/growingupfemalei0000unse,
- The Book of Distinguished American Women, par Vincent Wilson Jr. & Gale S. McClung : https://archive.org/details/bookofdistinguis00vinc
- The Book of Women's Firsts, Random House, , 532 p. (ISBN 9780679742807, lire en ligne),
- Scholastic encyclopedia of women in the United States, par Sheila Keenan : https://archive.org/details/scholasticencycl00shei,
- Lucy Eldersveld Murphy, Midwestern Women: Work, Community, and Leadership at the Crossroa, (ISBN 9780253333070, lire en ligne),
- Margaret Hope Bacon, Mothers of Feminism: The Story of Quaker Women in America (lire en ligne),
- Notable Women in World History de Lynda G. Adamson : https://archive.org/details/notablewomeninwo00adam,
- Notable American Women: A Biographical Dictionary, Volume 4: The Modern Period, , 808 p. (ISBN 9780674627338, lire en ligne)
- In Sweet Company: Conversations with Extraordinary Women about Living a Spiritual Life, par Margaret Wolff: https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780787983383,
- Portraits of American Women: From Settlement to the Present, par J. Barker-Benfield & Catherine Clinton : https://archive.org/details/portraitsofameri00gjba_0,
- Social Reform, Contribution of Women, Dillon Press, , 168 p. (ISBN 9780875181455, lire en ligne),
- Who's Who of 20th Century Women, par Jean Martin : https://archive.org/details/whoswhoofwomenin0000unse_k6z1,
- Famous American Women, , Thomas Y. Crowell (ISBN 9780690287516, lire en ligne),
- Famous American Women: A Biographical Dictionary from Colonial Times to the Present, Dover Publications, , 482 p. (ISBN 9780486245232, lire en ligne)
- Womens Firsts, Gale Cengage, , 600 p. (ISBN 9780787601515, lire en ligne),
- Women's Early American Historical Narratives, , 372 p. (ISBN 9780142437100, lire en ligne),
- Women in Congress, (lire en ligne),
- Women in Arts and Entertainment, Essential Library, (ISBN 9781680782899, lire en ligne)
Prominent Women Of The 20th Century (1996) par Peggy Saari
- Volume 1 A-C : https://archive.org/details/prominentwomenof00pegg_0,
- volume 2 D-I : https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780787606480,
- volume 3 J-O : https://archive.org/details/prominentwomenof00pegg,
- volume 4 P-Z : https://archive.org/details/prominentwomenof00pegg_1
Histoire des femmes aux USA
- Kathryn Cullen-DuPont, The Encyclopedia of Women's History in America, Facts On File, (lire en ligne),
Women in American History
- volume 1 : Precolonial North America to the Early Republic : https://archive.org/details/womeninamericanh0000unse_l4v8
- volume 2 : Antebellum America through the Gilded Age : https://archive.org/details/womeninamericanh0000unse_g0j3,
- volume 3 : Progressive Era through World War II : https://archive.org/details/womeninamericanh0003unse_m8a1
- volume 4 : Cold War America to today : https://archive.org/details/womeninamericanh0001unse_u1c1
Citations de femmes
- The Quotable Woman: The First 5,000 Years, Facts on File, , 1041 p. (ISBN 9780816077250, lire en ligne)
Reference library of American women en 4 volumes (1999) de Jennifer Mossman
- Reference library of American women, volume 1 : A-F, Gale Research, 344 p. (lire en ligne),
- Reference library of American women, volume 2 : G-M, Gale Research, 488 p. (lire en ligne),
- Reference library of American women, volume 3 : N-Z, Gale Research, 368 p. (lire en ligne),
- Reference library of American women, volume 4 : Notable international women, Gale Research, 416 p. (lire en ligne),
Notable American Women: A Biographical Dictionary: Notable American Women, en 4 volumes
- Paul S. Boyer, Edward T. James (dir.), Notable American women, 1607-1950, volume 1 A-F, Belknap Press, , 756 p. (ISBN 9780674288362, lire en ligne),
- Paul S. Boyer, Edward T. James (dir.), Notable American Women, 1607-1950, volume 2 G-O, Belknap Press, , 676 p. (ISBN 9780674288355, lire en ligne),
- Paul S. Boyer, Edward T. James, Notable American Women, 1607-1950, Volume 3 P-Z, Belknap Press, , 740 p. (ISBN 9780674288379, lire en ligne)
- Barbara Sicherman & Harriette Walker (dir.), Notable American Women: the Modern Period Volume 4, Belknap Press, 1980, rééd. 1 janvier 1986, 808 p. (ISBN 9780674627338, lire en ligne)
Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia of Women in American History
- volume 1 :
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo02appl (1820-1900 ),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo03appl (1900-present )
- American women poets, 1986 : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenpoe0000unse,
- American women writers to 1800, par Sharon Harris : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenwri00harr,
- American Women Poets of the Nineteenth Century, (ISBN 9780813517919, lire en ligne)
- American Women Writers: Diverse Voices In Prose Since 1845, par Eileen Barrett : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenwri00barr,
- American women writers : bibliographical essays, par Maurice Duke : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenwri00duke,
- American Women Writers: A Biographical Dictionary, par Carol Kort : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenwri0000kort,
- American women prose writers to 1820, par Carla Mulford : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenpro200mulf,
- American women prose writers, 1820-1870 : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenpro0239unse,
- American women prose writers, 1870-1920, par Sharon M. Harris : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenpro221harr,
- American Naturalistic And Realistic Novelists A Biographical Dictionary, (2002) : https://archive.org/details/americannaturali0000appl,
- Classic African American Women's Narratives, par William L. Andrews : https://archive.org/details/classicafricanam0000unse_l3k0,
- Contemporary American Women Poets: An A-To-Z Guide, Greenwood, (ISBN 9780313317835, lire en ligne),
- Encyclopedia of American Poetry: The Twentieth Century, par Eric Haralson, Routledge, (ISBN 9781579582401, lire en ligne),
- Feminist Writers, , 641 p. (lire en ligne),
- Great Women Writers: 1900-1950, New York, Facts on File, , 184 p. (ISBN 9780816030606, lire en ligne)
- Great Women Mystery Writers, par Elizabeth Blakesley Lindsay : https://archive.org/details/greatwomenmyster0000blak
- Modern American women writers, par Elaine Showalter : https://archive.org/details/modernamericanwo00show,
- The Oxford companion to women's writing in the United States, New York, Oxford University Press, USA, , 1064 p. (ISBN 9780195066081, lire en ligne),
- The First Wave: Women Poets in America, 1915-1945, par William Drake : https://archive.org/details/firstwavewomenpo0000drak,
- We Shall Be Heard: Women Speakers In America, 1828 Present, (ISBN 9780840329752, lire en ligne),
- Women Poets on Mentorship, (ISBN 9781587296390, lire en ligne),
- Women Writers and Journalists in the Nineteenth-Century South, , 247 p. (ISBN 9781107649798, lire en ligne),
Woman poet en 3 volumes (1981)
- Vol. 1 : The West : https://archive.org/details/womanpoet00wome/mode/2up
- vol. 2 :
- Vol. 3 : The Midwest : https://archive.org/details/womanpoetthemidw03elai,
American women writers en 4 volumes
- Volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenwri01main (A-E),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenwri02main (F-Le),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780804431507_v03 ( Li-R),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenwri0004unse ( S-Z)
Feminism in Literature: A Gale Critical Companion en 6 volumes (2005)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/feminisminliteravoluunse ( Antiquity-18th century, topics & authors),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/feminisminlitera0002unse_j6b7 (19th century, topics & authors A-B),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/feminisminlitera0003unse ( 19th century, topics & authors C-Z),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/feminisminlitera0004unse ( 20th century, topics),
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/feminisminlitera0005unse ( 20th century, authors A-G),
- Entertainment & Performing Arts, Chelsea House Publications, (ISBN 9780791051450, lire en ligne)
- Susan Curtis, A Consuming Faith: The Social Gospel and Modern American Culture (ISBN 9780826213624, lire en ligne),
Women and Religion in America en 3 volumes (1986)
- vol 1 :
- Rosemary Radford Ruether, Rosemary Skinner Keller (dir.), Women and Religion in America: The Nineteenth Century, volume 2, HarperCollins Publishers, , 472 p. (ISBN 9780060668280, lire en ligne),
- Rosemary Radford, Rosemary Skinner Keller (dir.), Women and Religion in America, 1900-1968, HarperCollins Publishers, , 440 p. (ISBN 9780060668334, lire en ligne),
Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America en 3 volumes (2006)
- Rosemary Skinner Keller (dir.), The Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Volume 1, Indiana University Press, , 568 p. (ISBN 9780253346865, lire en ligne)
- Rosemary Skinner Keller (dir.), The Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Volume 2, Indiana University Press, , 536 p. (ISBN 9780253346872, lire en ligne)
- Rosemary Skinner Keller (dir.), The Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Volume 3, Indiana University Press, , 400 p. (ISBN 9780253346889, lire en ligne)
- Women in Theatre, par Karen Malpede : https://archive.org/details/womenintheatre0000malp,
- Intimate Circles: American Women in the Arts, par Nancy Kuhl : https://archive.org/details/intimatecirclesa0000kuhl,
- A to Z of American Women in the Performing Arts: A Biographical Dictionary, par Liz Sonneborn : https://archive.org/details/tozofamericanwom0000sonn,
Dictionary of Women Artists (1997)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofwome0001unse (A-I)
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofwome0002unse (J-Z)
Politique et droits des femmes
- A to Z of American Women Leaders and Activists, par Donna Langston (2002) : https://archive.org/details/tozofamericanwom00donn/,
- American Women Speak: Voices of American Women in Public Life, (ISBN 9780964057425, lire en ligne),
- American Women Civil Rights Activists: Biobibliographies of 68 Leaders, 1825-1992, par Gayle J. Hardy : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenciv00hard
- American women activists' writings : an anthology, 1637-2002, par Kathryn Cullen-DuPont : https://archive.org/details/americanwomenact00kath,
- Articulating Rights: Nineteenth-century American Women on Race, Reform, and the State, par Alison M. Parker : https://archive.org/details/articulatingrigh0000park
- Breaking Barriers: The Feminist Revolution from Susan B. Anthony To...Betty Friedan, par Jules Archer : https://archive.org/details/breakingbarriers00jule_0,
- Biographies of American Women: An Annotated Bibliography, par Patricia E. Sweeney : https://archive.org/details/biographiesofame0000swee,
- Crusade for Freedom: Women in the Antislavery Movement par Alma Lutz : https://archive.org/details/crusadeforfreedo00lutz,
- Encyclopedia of Women and American Politics, (ISBN 9780816054916, lire en ligne),
- Feminism and Suffrage: The Emergence of an Independent Women's Movement in America, 1848-1869, par Ellen Carol DuBois : https://archive.org/details/feminismsuffrage00elle,
- Great Women of the Suffrage Movement, par Dana Meachen Rau : https://archive.org/details/greatwomenofsuff0000raud,
- History Makers - Leaders of Women's Suffrage, par Kristina Dumbeck : https://archive.org/details/leadersofwomenss0000dumb,
- International Encyclopedia of Women's Suffrage, par June Hannam & Katherine Holden : https://archive.org/details/internationalenc0000hann,
- Stories of Women in the 1960s: Fighting for Freedom, par Cath Senker : https://archive.org/details/storiesofwomenin0000senk,
- The Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History par Wilma Pearl Mankiller : https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780618001828,
- Twentieth-Century Women Politicians, par Ellen Thro : https://archive.org/details/twentiethcentury0000thro/,
- Women Leaders in Contemporary U.S. Politics, par Jane P. Sweeney (1987) : https://archive.org/details/womenleadersinco00leve/,
- Women's Realities, Women's Choices: An Introduction To Women's Studies de Ulku U. Bates (1995) : https://archive.org/details/womensrealitiesw0002unse,
- Women and Social Protest par Guida West (1990) : https://archive.org/details/womensocialprote0000west,
- Women And Social Policy par Constantina Safilios-Rothschild (1974) : https://archive.org/details/womensocialpolic00safi,
- Women Reformers : activists, educators, religious leaders, par Monique Avakian : https://archive.org/details/reformersactivis0000avak/,
- Women Champions Of Human Rights: Eleven U. S. Leaders Of The Twentieth Century, par Moira Davison Reynolds : https://archive.org/details/womenchampionsof0000reyn,
- Women and the United States Constitution: History, Interpretation, and Practice, par Sibyl A. Schwarzenbach & Patricia Smith : https://archive.org/details/womenusconstitut00siby,
- A Women's Place...The Freshmen Women Who Changed the Face of Congress, , 258 p. (ISBN 9780517597132, lire en ligne),
- Women of the U.S. Congress, , 160 p. (ISBN 9781881508120, lire en ligne),
- Women of Congress: A Twentieth-Century Odyssey, , 280 p. (ISBN 9780871879899, lire en ligne),
- Biographical Dictionary of Congressional Women, , 328 p. (ISBN 9780313302909, lire en ligne),
- Women in Congress 1917-2006, , 1008 p. (ISBN 9780160767531, lire en ligne),
- Is There a Woman in the House-- Or Senate?, (lire en ligne),
Les femmes juristes
- Women Chosen for Public Office, (ISBN 9781881508205, lire en ligne),
- Women in Law: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook, (ISBN 9780313294105, lire en ligne),
Encyclopedia Of Women Social Reformers (2001)
- vol. 1 (A-L) : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo0000rapp,
- vol. 2 (M-Z) : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo0002rapp,
From Suffrage to the Senate
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/fromsuffragetose0000odea/ (A-N),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/fromsuffragetose0002odea (O-Z)
- A to Z of Women in Science and Math, par Lisa Yount : https://archive.org/details/atozofwomeninscienceandmath,
- American Women Scientists: 23 Inspiring Biographies, 1900-2000, par Moira Davison Reynolds (2004) : https://archive.org/details/americanwomensci00moir,
- Extraordinary Women de Catherine M. Edmonson : https://archive.org/details/extraordinarywom00edmo,
- International Encyclopedia of Women Scientists de Elizabeth H. Oakes : https://archive.org/details/internationalenc00oake,
- Nobel Prize Women in Science: Their Lives, Struggles, and Momentous Discoveries, par Sharon Bertsch McGrayne : https://archive.org/details/nobelprizewomeni00mcgr/,
- Notable Women Scientists de Pamela Proffitt : https://archive.org/details/notablewomenscie00pame,
- Notable women in the life sciences : a biographical dictionary de Benjamin F. Shearer : https://archive.org/details/notablewomeninli0000unse,
- (en-US) Benjamin F. Shearer, Notable Women in the Physical Sciences: A Biographical Dictionary, Greenwood Press, , 504 p. (ISBN 9780313293030, lire en ligne),
- Women Inventors Who Changed the World, par Sandra Braun : https://archive.org/details/womeninventorswh0000brau,
- Women Scientists Who Changed the World de Kelly Di Domenico : https://archive.org/details/womenscientistsw0000dido,
- Women in medicine : an encyclopedia, par Laura Lynn Windsor : https://archive.org/details/womeninmedicinee0000wind_c3o2,
- Women Anthropologists : a Biographical Dictionary, (lire en ligne),
- A to Z of American Women in Sports, par Paula Edelson (2002) : https://archive.org/details/tozofamericanwom0000edel,
- 100 Greatest Women In Sports par Phyllis Hollander : https://archive.org/details/100greatestwomen0000holl,
- The women's sports encyclopedia, par Robert J. Markel : https://archive.org/details/womenssportsency00mark,
- Women In Sports: The Complete Book On The World's Greatest Female Athletes, par Joe Layden : https://archive.org/details/womeninsportscom0000layd,
- Ladies First: Women Athletes Who Made a Difference, par Ken Rappoport : https://archive.org/details/ladiesfirstwomen0000rapp,
International encyclopedia of women and sports (2001)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/internationalenc0001unse_y5c6, (A-G)
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/internationalenc0002unse_j4t4 (H-R)
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/internationalenc0003unse_q4n6 (S-Z)
History of woman suffrage
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_O4kEAAAAYAAJ (1848-1861),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/historyofwomansu02stanuoft (1861-1876
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_LNYTAAAAIAAJ (1876-1883),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_NbZVAAAAYAAJ (1883-1900),
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_b4oEAAAAYAAJ, (1900-1920)
- volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_l1MOAQAAIAAJ (1900-1920),
Women's studies encyclopedia de Helen Tierney :
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/womensstudiesenc0000unse (A-F),
- volume 1 version 1989 : https://archive.org/details/womensstudiesenc0000unse_w0x9 (Views from the sciences),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/womensstudiesenc0002unse (Literature, arts, and learning),
- volume 2, version 1999 : https://archive.org/details/womensstudiesenc0000unse_b7f0 (GP),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/womensstudiesenc0000unse_l3o9 ( Q-Z),
L'Encyclopedia of women in today's world en 4 volumes (2011)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo0001unse_x6b1 (A-E),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo0002unse_h5y5 (F-M),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo0003unse_j3o0 (N-T),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo0004unse_a8f2 (U-Z),
La Routledge international encyclopedia of women en 4 volumes (2000)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/routledgeinterna0000unse_2000 (Ability-education : globalization),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/routledgeinterna0002unse (Education : health-hypertension),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/routledgeinterna0003unse ( Identity politics-publishing),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/routledgeinterna0004unse (Quakers-Zionism, Index),
L'Oxford encyclopedia of women in world history en 4 volumes (2008)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/oxfordencycloped0001unse_o9n9 (Abayomi-Czech Republic),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/oxfordencycloped0002unse_y5r2 (Dance- Judith),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/oxfordencycloped0000unse_k2h2 (Kaffka-Service sector),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/oxfordencycloped0004unse_n6z9 (Seton-Zia),
La Women in world history : a biographical encyclopedia en 17 volumes (2000) par Anne Commire & Deborah Klezmer
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist01comm (Aak-Azz), 9780787637361
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist02comm (Ba-Brec),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist03comm (Brem-Cold),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist04comm (Cole-Dzer),
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist05comm (Ead-Fur),
- volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist06comm (Gab-Harp),
- volume 7 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist07comm (Haar-I),
- volume 8 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist08comm (Jab-Kyt),
- volume 9 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist09comm (Laa-Lyud),
- volume 10 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist10comm (Maa-Mei),
- volume 11 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist11comm (Mek-N),
- volume 12 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist12comm (O-Q),
- volume 13 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist13comm (R-Schr),
- volume 14 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist14comm (Schu-Sui),
- volume 15 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist15comm (Sul-Vica),
- volume 16 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist16comm (Vict-X)
- volume 17 : https://archive.org/details/womeninworldhist0017unse ( Y-Z + index)
Notable women in world government
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/notablewomeninwo0001unse_x6r5,
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/notablewomeninwo0002unse,
A history of women in the United States : state-by-state reference
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/historyofwomenin0000unse_b8x0 (Alabama-Illinois ),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/historyofwomenin0002unse_m0g7 ( Indiana-Nebraska),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/historyofwomenin0003unse (Nevada-South Dakota),
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/historyofwomenin0004unse (Tennessee-Wyoming),
- Contemporary Lesbian Writers of the United States, Greenwood, , 694 p. (lire en ligne),
Pour le monde Afro-Américain il y a un grand choix :
- 100 African-Americans Who Shaped American History de Chrisanne Beckner : https://archive.org/details/100africanameric00chri,
- African-American Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations: The History, Customs, and Symbols Associated with Both Traditional and Contemporary Religious and Secular Events Observed by Americans of African Descent : https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780780807792
- Africa to America : from the Middle Passage through the 1930s (2010) : https://archive.org/details/africatoamericaf0000unse,
- The Biographical Dictionary of African Americans de Rachel Kranz & Philip J. Koslow : https://archive.org/details/biographicaldict0000kran,
- Dictionary of American Negro Biography, , 680 p. (ISBN 9780393015133, lire en ligne),
- The Crisis Of The Negro Intellectual: From Its Origins To The Present par Harold Cruse : https://archive.org/details/crisisofnegroint0000unse,
- Encyclopedia of African-American heritage : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0000altm,
- Encyclopedia of Black studies de Molefi Kete Asante : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofbl0000unse_r0x0,
- Great Negroes: Past and Present: Volume 1, par Russell L. Adams : https://archive.org/details/greatnegroespast0000adam,
- Great Negroes: Past and Present: Volume 2, par Jawanza Kunjufu, Erica Myles, Nichelle Wilson : https://archive.org/details/greatnegroespast0002kunj,
- Harold Cruse's the Crisis of the Negro Intellectual Reconsidered par Jerry G. Watts : https://archive.org/details/haroldcrusescris0000unse,
- Renewing Black Intellectual History: The Ideological And Material Foundations Of African American Thought, par Adolph L. Reed Jr. & Kenneth W. Warren : https://archive.org/details/renewingblackint0000unse,
- Who's Who Among African Americans, Gale Cengage (ISBN 9781573024952, lire en ligne),
- Demography of the Black Population in the United States, par Jamshid A. Momeni & James F. Scott : https://archive.org/details/demographyofblac0000mome,
- Black Demographic Data, 1790-1860: A Sourcebook par Clayton E. Cramer : https://archive.org/details/blackdemographic00clay,
- Negro population in the United States, 1790-1915, par le United States. Bureau of the Census : https://archive.org/details/negropopulationi00unit,
- Complete encyclopedia of African American history de Lean'tin Bracks : https://archive.org/details/completeencyclop0000unse_e9s6,
- African Americans: A Concise History, Combined Volume, par Darlene Clark Hine : https://archive.org/details/africanamericans0000hine_i0f5,
- African Americans Who Were First de Constance Claytor : https://archive.org/details/africanamericans00pott,
- The Negro in the United States, par E. Franklin Frazier : https://archive.org/details/negroinunitedsta0000fraz,
- Negro in America: The Condensed Version of Gunnar Myrdal's, par Arnold Rose : https://archive.org/details/negroinamerica0000rose/,
- Term Paper Resource Guide to African American History, par Caryn E. Neumann : https://archive.org/details/termpaperresourc0000neum,
Esclavage et ségrégation
- Black Neighbors: Race and the Limits of Reform in the American Settlement House Movement, 1890-1945, par Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn : https://archive.org/details/blackneighborsra00lasc,
- Dictionary of Afro-American slavery de Randall M. Miller et John David Smith : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofafro00mill,
- From slavery to freedom : a history of African Americans de John Hope Franklin et Alfred A. Moss : https://archive.org/details/fromslaverytofre2000fran/
- Historical dictionary of slavery and abolition de Martin A. Klein : https://archive.org/details/historicaldictio0000klei,
- Law and Social Order in the United States (the Sources of Antislavery Constitutionalism in America 1760-1848) par James Willard Hurst : https://archive.org/details/lawsocialorderin0000hurs,
- North of Slavery: The Negro in the Free States, 1790-1860, par Leon F. Litwack : https://archive.org/details/northofslavery00leon
- Slavery and Freedom de Willie Lee Rose : https://archive.org/details/slaveryfreedom00roserich,
- Shane White, Stories Of Freedom In Black New York, (ISBN 9780674008939, lire en ligne),
- Separate and Unequal: Black Americans and the Us Federal Government, par Desmond King : https://archive.org/details/separateunequalb0000king_q8n7,
- Vindicating the Founders: Race, Sex, Class, and Justice in the Origins of America, par Thomas G. West : https://archive.org/details/vindicatingfound0000west
- African-American Religious Leaders, (ISBN 9780816048786, lire en ligne),
- Dictionary of American Religious Biography, Greenwood Press, (lire en ligne)
- Encyclopedia of African and African-American Religions, , 480 p. (lire en ligne),
- Encyclopedia of African American Religions de Larry G. Murphy, J. Gordon Melton & Gary L. Ward : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf00murp,
- African-American Faith in America, par Larry G. Murphy : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanf0000murp,
- Black Hymnody: A Hymnological History Of The African American Church, par Jon Michael Spencer : https://archive.org/details/blackhymnodyhymn00spen,
- Fortress introduction to Black church history, par Anne H. Pinn & Anthony B. Pinn : https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780800634421,
- African-American Religion, par Timothy E. Fulop : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanr0000unse_r5d5,
- The History Of The Black Church, par Norma Jean Lutz : https://archive.org/details/historyofblackch00lutz,
- The Black Church in the African American Experience, par C. Eric Lincoln & Lawrence H. Mamiya : https://archive.org/details/blackchurchinafr0000linc,
- Through the Storm, Through the Night: A History of African American Christianity, par Paul Harvey : https://archive.org/details/throughstormthro0000harv,
- Islam and Protestant African American Churches, par Marsha Snulligan Haney : https://archive.org/details/islamprotestanta0000hane_a7y5,
- Islam in Black America, par Edward E. Curtis IV : https://archive.org/details/islaminblackamer0000curt,
- Varieties of African American Religious Experience, par Anthony B. Pinn : https://archive.org/details/varietiesofafric0000pinn,
- Honoring the ancestors : an African cultural interpretation of Black religion and literature, par Donald H. Matthews : https://archive.org/details/honoringancestor1998matt,
African American Religious Cultures (2 volumes)
Vol. 1 : African American Religious Cultures, 392 p. (lire en ligne),
- Great African-American lawyers : raising the bar of freedom : https://archive.org/details/greatafricanamer00caro_0,
- African-American Political Leaders, de Charles W. Carey Jr. et Liz Sonneborn : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanp0000care,
- Afro-Americans and Africa: Black Nationalism at the Crossroads, par William B. Helmreich : https://archive.org/details/afroamericansafr0000helm,
- Black Women's Activism: Reading African American Women's Historical Romances, par Rita B. Dandridge : https://archive.org/details/blackwomensactiv0000dand,
- Black Conservatism: Essays in Intellectual and Political History, par Peter Eisenstadt : https://archive.org/details/blackconservatis0000unse,
- Civil Rights Chronicle (The African-American Struggle for Freedom), par Clayborne Carson : https://archive.org/details/civilrightschron00cars,
- Divided We Stand: American Workers and the Struggle for Black Equality, par Bruce Nelson : https://archive.org/details/dividedwestandam0000nels,
- Encyclopedia of African American politics : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0000smit,
- In Struggle: SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960s, par Clayborne Carson : https://archive.org/details/instrugglesnccbl00cars_1,
- Martin's dream : my journey and the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., par Clayborne Carson : https://archive.org/details/martinsdreammyjo0000cars,
- Modern African political leaders par R. Kent Rasmussen : https://archive.org/details/modernafricanpol00rasm
- Pan Africanism, par Robert Chrisman : https://archive.org/details/panafricanism0000chri,
- Reporting Civil Rights, Part Two: American Journalism 1963-1973, par Clayborne Carson : https://archive.org/details/reportingcivilri00vari,
- The Eyes on the Prize Civil Rights Reader: Documents, Speeches, and Firsthand Accounts from the Black Freedom Struggle, par Clayborne Carson : https://archive.org/details/eyesonprizec00cars
- Strong Men Keep Coming: The Book of African American Men, Wiley, , 328 p. (lire en ligne),
- UnAfrican Americans : nineteenth-century Black nationalists and the civilizing mission, par Tunde Adeleke : https://archive.org/details/unafricanamerica0000adel,
- Voices in Our Blood: America's Best on the Civil Rights Movement, par Jon Meacham : https://archive.org/details/voicesinourblood00jonm,
African American Biography 7 Volumes (1994)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanb00weig_1 (A-D)
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanb00jral (E-J)
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanb00weig_0 (S-Z)
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanb00juds (suppléments)
- volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanb0000enge/ (suppléments)
African American National Biography (2011-2013) en 12 volumes
- vol. 1. : https://archive.org/details/africanamericann0001unse (Aaron- Blake),
- vol. 3.: https://archive.org/details/africanamericann0003unse (Chandler - Dickinson),
- vol. 6 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericann00henr (Moore - Romain),
- vol. 11 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericann0011unse (Taborn-Wheeler)
Reference library of Black America en 5 volumes
- Reference library of Black America, volume 1 : chronologie, Gale Cengage, 1998, rééd. 2003 (lire en ligne)
- Reference Library of Black America, volume 2 : société, Gale Group, (lire en ligne),
- Reference Library of Black America, volume 3 : culture, Gale Group, (lire en ligne)
- Reference Library of Black America, volume 4 : arts et média, Gale Research, (lire en ligne),
- Reference Library of Black America, volume 5 : musique populaire, sports, sciences et techniques, militaires, Gale Research, (lire en ligne).
Écrivains, littérature afro-américaine
- African American Dramatists: An A-To-Z Guide, Greenwood, (ISBN 9780313322334, lire en ligne),
- African American Poets: Lives, Works, and Sources, Greenwood, , 384 p. (ISBN 9780313311178, lire en ligne),
- African-American Poets, Springfield, New Jersey, Enslow Publishers, , 120 p. (ISBN 9780894907746, lire en ligne),
- African American Authors 1745-1945, par Emmanuel S. Nelson (2000) : https://archive.org/details/africanamericana00nels_0,
- Afro-American writers before the Harlem renaissance, : https://archive.org/details/afroamericanwrit0000unse_j1r3,
- Afro-American writers from the Harlem Renaissance to 1940, : https://archive.org/details/afroamericanwrit0051unse,
- African-American writers : a dictionary : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanw0000unse_f3h7,
- African-American Writers de Philip Bader& Catherine Reef : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanw0000bade_a7d4,
- Blackamerican literature, 1760-present, par Ruth Miller : https://archive.org/details/blackamericanlit00millrich
- Black American Women Novelists: An Annotated Bibliography, par Craig Werner : https://archive.org/details/blackamericanwom0000unse
- Black Arts Movement : literary nationalism in the 1960s and 1970s, par James Edward Smethurst : https://archive.org/details/blackartsmovemen0000smet
- (en-US) The Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature, New York, Oxford University Press, USA, , 489 p. (ISBN 9780195138832, lire en ligne)
- Contemporary African American novelists : a bio-bibliographical critical sourcebook, par Emmanuel S. Nelson : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryafri0000unse_s0r3,
- Contemporary Black American playwrights and their plays , par Bernard L. Peterson : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000pete,
- Contemporary Black American Poets and Dramatists, par Harold Bloom : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_z5u1,
- Encyclopedia of African-American Writing: Five Centuries of Contribution: Trials & Triumphs of Writers, Poets, Publications and Organizations, par Shari Dorantes Hatch : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0002unse_d8f6,
- Encyclopedia of African-American Literature, par Wilfred D. Samuels : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0000unse_m8j3,
- Encyclopedia of the Harlem Literary Renaissance, , 632 p. (ISBN 9780816049677, lire en ligne),
- Early Negro American Writers par Benjamin Griffith Brawley : https://archive.org/details/earlynegroameric00benj,
- Extraordinary African-American Poets, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, Enslow Publishers, , 120 p. (ISBN 9781598451399, lire en ligne),
- Visionary Women Writers of Chicago's Black Arts Movement, par Carmen L. Phelps : https://archive.org/details/visionarywomenwr0000phel,
- Visions of a Liberated Future: Black Arts Movement Writings, par Larry Neal : https://archive.org/details/visionsofliberat00neal,
African American Poets en deux volume de Janyce Marson
- volume 1 :
- volume 2 : Janyce Marson (dir.), African American Poets II, Philadelphie, Chelsea House Publications, , 336 p. (ISBN 9780791073964, lire en ligne),
Encyclopedia of African American literature (2005)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0001unse_f7k2 (A-C),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0002unse (D-H),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0003unse (J-N) ,
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0004unse (O-T),
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0000ostr (U-Z)
Notable African American Writers (2006)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/notableafricanam0000unse_u3t0 (A-G)
- volume 2 :
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/notableafricanam0000unse/ (S-Y)
Encyclopedia of African American women writers (2007)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0001unse_d0u2 (A-K)
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0002unse_l5v0
Arts et beaux arts
- African Americans in the Performing Arts, (ISBN 9780816078387, lire en ligne),
- Great African Americans in the arts, par Carlotta Hacker : https://archive.org/details/greatafricanamer0000hack
- Richard Cook's Jazz Encyclopedia : https://archive.org/details/richardcooksjazz00rich
- Dictionary of 20th Century Culture: African American Culture : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanc0000unse,
- Encyclopedia of African-American Heritage: Second Edition : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0002altm,
- Wake Up Our Souls: A Celebration of Black American Artists, par Tonya Bolden : https://archive.org/details/wakeupoursouls00tony ,
- Black dimensions in contemporary American art, par J. Edward Atkinson : https://archive.org/details/blackdimensionsi00atki,
- African-American Art, par Sharon F. Patton : https://archive.org/details/africanamericana00patt_0,
- Black Art Ancestral Legacy: The African Impulse in African-American Art : https://archive.org/details/blackartancestra0000unse,
- History of African-American Artists: From 1792 to the Present, par Romare Bearden & Harry Henderson : https://archive.org/details/historyofafrican00bear,
- The Afro-American artist : a search for identity, par Elsa Honig Fine : https://archive.org/details/afroamericanarti0000fine,
- African-American Art: The Long Struggle, par Barbara Sullivan & Crystal Britton : https://archive.org/details/africanamericana0000brit
Encyclopedia of African-American culture and history en 6 volumes (2006)
- vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0002unse_w7m3 (A-B),
- vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0002unse_j8q7 (C-F),
- vol. 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0003unse (G-L),
- vol. 4 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0004unse (M-P),
- vol. 5 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0005unse (Q-Z),
- vol. 6 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0006unse (appendice, index),
Encyclopedia of African American History (1896 to the Present) de Paul Finkelman (2009)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0001unse_h4r4 (A-C)
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0002unse_b0k3 ( D-I)
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0003unse_v7p7 (J-N)
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0004unse_z9b1 (O-T)
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0005unse_b6x9 (U-Y, Chronology, Index)
The Complete Encyclopedia of African American History (2014).
- vol. 1 : 400 Years of Achievement, The Complete Encyclopedia of African American History (ISBN 9781578595365, lire en ligne),
- vol. 2 : Notable Firsts, The Complete Encyclopedia of African American History (ISBN 9781578595389, lire en ligne),
- vol. 3 Heroes and Heroines The Complete Encyclopedia of African American History (ISBN 9781578595372, lire en ligne)
Harlem Renaissance : a Gale critical companion (2003)
- vol 1 : https://archive.org/details/harlemrenaissanc0000wita, (les thématiques)
- vol 2 : https://archive.org/details/harlemrenaissanc0000unse (les auteurs A-H),
- vol 3 : https://archive.org/details/harlemrenaissanc0003unse_n9y4 (les auteurs I-Z)
Inventeurs et scientifiques
- African Americans in Science, Math, and Invention, de Ray Spangenburg, Diane Moser, Steven Otfinoski (2011) : https://archive.org/details/africanamericans0000span_r7j5
- Black Inventors de Nathan Aaseng : https://archive.org/details/blackinventors00aase,
- Black Inventors de C.R. Gibbs : https://archive.org/details/blackinventorsfr00gibb,
- Black Inventors of America de Burt McKinley : https://archive.org/details/blackinventorsof00burt,
- Eight Black American Inventors de Robert C. Hayden : https://archive.org/details/eightblackameric00hayd,
- Outward Dreams: Black Inventors and Their Inventions de James Haskins : https://archive.org/details/outwarddreamsbla00hask,
- The Hidden Contributors: Black Scientists and Inventors in America de Aaron E. Klein : https://archive.org/details/hiddencontributo00klei,
- Black Pioneers of Science and Invention de Louis Haber : https://archive.org/details/blackpioneersofs00habe_0,
- Notable Black American Scientists de Kristine M. Krapp : https://archive.org/details/notableblackamer0000unse,
- Created Equal: The Lives and Ideas of Black American Innovators de Michael Brodie : https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780688115364
- Black Inventors in the Age of Segregation de Rayvon Fouché : https://archive.org/details/blackinventorsin00rayv,
- Seven Black American Scientists par Robert C. Hayden, 1970 : https://archive.org/details/sevenblackameric00hayd
- Eleven African American Doctor, par Robert C. Hayden, 1992 : https://archive.org/details/11africanamerica00hayd
African-American Inventors,
- (en-US) Stanley P. Jones, African-American Inventors I, Capstone Press, , 56 p. (ISBN 9781560653615, lire en ligne)
- (en-US) Stanley P. Jones, African-American Inventors II, Capstone Press, , 56 p. (ISBN 9781560656975, lire en ligne),
- (en-US) Susan K. Henderson, African-American Inventors III, Capstone Press, , 56 p. (ISBN 9781560656982, lire en ligne),
Encyclopedia of racism in the United States
- vol. 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofra0000minp (s-z)
Encyclopedia of the Reconstruction Era (2006)
- vol 1 :
- vol 2: https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofre0000unse_y7t6
Encyclopedia of American Race Riots
- volume 1 :
- volume 2 : Walter C. Rucker & James N. Upton, Encyclopedia of American Race Riots, Greenwood Press, , 512 p. (ISBN 9780313333026, lire en ligne), ( N - Z)
The African-American odyssey
- vol.1 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericano0002hine ( début - 1877)
- vol.2 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericano0002hine_i3m2 (1877 à nos jours)
La Contemporary Black Biography
Pour trouver une personne il faut se rendre à l'index général qui figure en fin du dernier volume
- vol 1 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0001unse ,
- vol 2 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_m0w5 ,
- vol 3 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0003unse ,
- vol 4 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0004unse ,
- vol 5 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0005unse ,
- vol 6 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0006unse,
- vol 7 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0007unse
- vol 8 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0008unse,
- vol 9 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0009unse,
- vol 10 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0010unse,
- vol 11 :
- vol 12 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0012unse,
- vol 13 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0013unse,
- vol 14 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0014unse,
- vol 15 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0015unse,
- vol 16 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0016unse,
- vol 17 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0017unse,
- vol 18 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_n5k0
- vol 19 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0019unse,
- vol 20 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0020unse,
- vol 21 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac21phel,
- vol 22 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0022unse,
- vol 23 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac23oble,
- vol 24 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0024unse,
- vol 25 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0025unse,
- vol 26 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0026unse,
- vol 27 :
- vol 28 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0028unse_p2e3,
- vol 29 :
- vol 30 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0030unse_u3d2,
- vol 31 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0031unse
- vol 32 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_w4l3,
- vol 33 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0033unse
- vol 34 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_u0c7,
- vol 35 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_m3a1,
- vol 36 :
- vol 37 :
- vol 38 :
- vol 39 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000hend,
- vol 40 :
- vol 41 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0041unse_x4h2,
- vol 42 :
- vol 43 :
- vol 44 :
- vol 45 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0045unse,
- vol 46 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0046unse,
- vol 48 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000pend,
- vol 49 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0049unse,
- vol 50 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_h8j0
- vol 51 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0051unse
- vol 52 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_f7e4,
- vol 55 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0055unse,
- vol 56 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0056unse_o9z8,
- vol 58 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0058unse_c7n8
- vol 60 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_t3u3,
- vol 67 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_r8l1,
- vol 72 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_t1p1,
- vol 76 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0076unse,
- vol 82 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_j3a6,
- vol 90 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_e4e9
- vol 91 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_o5a7,
- vol 95 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0095unse,
- vol 96 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_d5w6,
- vol 97 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0097unse,
- vol 98 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0098unse,
- vol 100 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0100unse,
- vol 109 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac00109unse_n5s7,
- vol 110 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse,
- vol 121 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_s2f0,
- vol 123 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_n2p1
- vol 124 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0124unse,
Voices of historical and contemporary Black American pioneers en 4 volumes (2012)
- vol 1 : https://archive.org/details/voicesofhistoric0001unse, (médecine et science)
- vol 2 : https://archive.org/details/voicesofhistoric0002unse, (loi et gouvernement)
- vol 3 : https://archive.org/details/voicesofhistoric0003unse, (aviation, forces armées, astronautique)
- vol 4 : https://archive.org/details/voicesofhistoric0004unse, (enseignement et sciences humaines)
L'Encyclopedia Of Race And Racism en 3 volumes de John H. Moore (2007)
- John H. Moore (dir.), Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, volume 1 : A-F, Detroit, MacMillan Reference Library, , 552 p. (ISBN 9780028660219, lire en ligne),
- John H. Moore (dir.), Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, volume 3 : S-Z, Detroit, Macmillan Reference USA, , 456 p. (ISBN 9780028660202, lire en ligne).
L'Encyclopedia Of Race And Racism en 4 volumes de Patrick L. Mason (2013)
- Patrick L. Mason (dir.), Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, volume 1 : A-C, Detroit, MacMillan Reference Library, , 544 p. (ISBN 9780028661759, lire en ligne),
- Patrick L. Mason (dir.), Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, volume 2 : D-I, Detroit, MacMillan Reference Library, , 516 p. (ISBN 9780028661766, lire en ligne),
- Patrick L. Mason (dir.), Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, volume 3 : J-R, Detroit, MacMillan Reference Library, , 532 p. (ISBN 9780028661773, lire en ligne),
- Patrick L. Mason (dir.), Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, volume 4 : S-Z, Detroit, MacMillan Reference Library, , 548 p. (ISBN 9780028660240, lire en ligne),
Race and Racism in the United States, An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic, en 4 volumes (2014)
- Charles A. Gallagher (dir.), Race and Racism in the United States : An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic, vol. 2. F-M, Santa Barbara, Californie, Greenwood, , 440 p. (ISBN 9781440803451, lire en ligne),
L'Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society en 3 volumes de Richard T. Schaefer (2008)
- Volume 3 : A-F (ISBN 9781412926942, lire en ligne)
- Volume 2 : G-Q (ISBN 9781412926942, lire en ligne),
- Volume 3 : R-Z (ISBN 9781412926942, lire en ligne)
African American Encyclopedia de R. Kent Rasmussen en 10 volumes, (2001) 8 volumes sont disponibles :
- vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane01rasm (Aar-Bla)
- vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane02rasm (Bla-Com)
- vol. 4 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane04rasm (Fed-Hil)
- vol. 5 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane05rasm ( Hil-Lee)
- vol. 7 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane07rasm (Nat-Ran)
- vol. 8 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane08rasm ( Ran-Sud)
- vol. 9 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane09rasm (Sui-Wil)
- vol. 10 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane10rasm (Wil-Zyd)
African American Encyclopedia de Michael W. Williams en 6 volumes, (1993):
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/isbn_1854355465, (A. Philip Randolph Institute-King Cheek)
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane02will (Chemists-Harold Ford )
- volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane0004unse (Big Daddy Kane-Thomas Paul, Sr.)
- volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/vol1africanameri05will (Betty J. Payne-Spiritual Israel Church and its Army)
- volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane06will (The Sport of the Gods-Zydeco)
African American history en deux volumes (2006) :
- https://archive.org/details/africanamericanh0001unse/mode/2up (Abolition- Fugitive Slave Law of 1793) et
- https://archive.org/details/africanamericanh0002unse (Fugitive Slave Law of 1850-Science & Technology)
The Greenwood encyclopedia of African American civil rights en 2 volumes (1992)
- volume éd. révisée: https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf00arie (Abbott-Younge)
- vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0000unse_s2o1 (S-Z & primary documents)
Encyclopedia of African American civil rights de Bradley et Fishkin en 3 volumes (1998)
- Vol 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofci0001unse ( Abernathy, Ralph--Equal protection clause)
- Vol.2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofci0000unse_z4s3 (Equal Rights Amendment- Presidency US)
- Vol 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofci0003unse_r7s5 (Price, U.S. vs.--Zoot suit riots)
Encyclopedia of American civil rights and liberties d'Otis H. Stephens en 3 volumes (2006)
- vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0000unse_z6x5 (A-G)
- vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0002unse_u4g8 ( H-R)
- vol. 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0003unse_p6j8 (S-Z)
The complete encyclopedia of African American history en 4 volumes (2014)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/completeencyclop0000unse_e9s6 (400 years of achievement)
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/completeencyclop0002unse (notable first),
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/completeencyclop0000unse_t0d1 (Heroes and Heroines),
Concernant les femmes afro-américaines
- Twentieth-Century Women Politicians, par Ellen Thro : https://archive.org/details/twentiethcentury0000thro,
- Black women in nineteenth-century American life : https://archive.org/details/blackwomeninnine0000unse,
- Black Women's Activism: Reading African American Women's Historical Romances par Rita B. Dandridge : https://archive.org/details/blackwomensactiv0000dand,
- Black Women in America, par Kim Marie Vaz : https://archive.org/details/blackwomeninamer0000unse_r0z0,
- Black Women Activists, par Karin S. Coddon : https://archive.org/details/profilesinhistor00kari,
- Black Women of Valor, par Olive Woolley Burt : https://archive.org/details/blackwomenofvalo0000burt,
- Black women in white America: a documentary history, par Gerda Lerner : https://archive.org/details/blackwomeninwhit00lern,
- Black women writers and the American neo-slave narrative : femininity unfettered, par Elizabeth Ann Beaulieu : https://archive.org/details/blackwomenwriter0000beau,
- Black American Women Poets & Dramatists, par Harold Bloom : https://archive.org/details/blackamericanwom00bloo,
- Black American Women Novelists: An Annotated Bibliography, par Craig Werner : https://archive.org/details/blackamericanwom0000unse,
- Black Women of the Old West, Guilford, Connecticut, TwoDot, (ISBN 9780762739004, lire en ligne),
- Visionary Women Writers of Chicago's Black Arts Movement, par Carmen L. Phelps : https://archive.org/details/visionarywomenwr0000phel,
- Tomorrow Begins Today: African American Women as We Age, par le National Research Council : https://archive.org/details/tomorrowbeginsto0000wood,
- "We specialize in the wholly impossible" : a reader in Black women's history par Darlene Clark Hine : https://archive.org/details/wespecializeinwh00hinerich,
- Fifty Black Women Who Changed America, par Amy Alexander : https://archive.org/details/fiftyblackwomenw00amya,
- Great black women in the struggle : an introduction for young readers, par Toyomi Igus : https://archive.org/details/greatwomeninstru00igus,
- Powerful Black Women, par Jessie Carney Smith : https://archive.org/details/powerfulblackwom00smit,
- Modern Black American Poets and Dramatists, par Harold Bloom : https://archive.org/details/modernblackameri00will,
- The Sexual Mountain and Black Women Writers, par Calvin C. Hernton : https://archive.org/details/sexualmountainb00hern,
- Women of the Harlem Renaissance, par Cheryl A. Wall : https://archive.org/details/womenofharlemren0000wall,
- The essence of liberty : free black women during the slave era, de Wilma King : https://archive.org/details/essenceofliberty00wilm,
Notable Black American women (1996)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/notableblackamer00jess_0
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/notableblackamer00jess,
Black Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia (1993)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/blackwomeninamer00hine (A-L)
- volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/blackwomeninamer0000unse (R-Y)
Encyclopedia of Black women in America (1996)
- volume 1 : Les premières années : https://archive.org/details/blackwomeninamer00darl,
- volume 2 : Littérature : https://archive.org/details/blackwomeninamer00edit_0,
- volume 3 : Danse sports, arts visuels : https://archive.org/details/blackwomeninamer00edit_1,
- volume 4 : Femmes d'affaires et professions : https://archive.org/details/factsonfileencyc00darl_1,
- volume 6 : Enseignement, éducation : https://archive.org/details/factsonfileencyc00darl_2,
- volume 11 : Science, santé et médecine : https://archive.org/details/blackwomeninamer00edit,
Writing African American women (2006)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/writingafricanam0001unse (A-J),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/writingafricanam0002unse (K-Z),
Encyclopedia of African American women writers en 2 volumes (2007)
- volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0001unse_d0u2 (Adams - Kincaid),
- volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0002unse_b9h5 (Lane - Youngblood)
Cette liste est liée à ma pratique, donc forcément, partielle d'autres contributeurs pourront la compléter. Bernard Botturi (discuter) 8 août 2020 à 10:15 (CEST)
Sources encyclopédiques et manuels britanniques de référence
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography en 60 volumes (éd. 2004)
- v. 1. Aaron-Amory : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary01matt.
- v. 2. Amos-Avory : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary02matt,
- v. 3. Avranches-Barnewall : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary03matt,
- v. 4. Barney-Bellasis : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary04matt,
- v. 5. Belle-Blackman : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary05matt,
- v. 6. Blackmore-Bowyer : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary06matt,
- v. 7. Box-Browel : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary07matt,
- v. 8. Brown-Burstow : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary08matt,
- v. 9. Burt-Capon : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198613598,
- v. 10. Cappe-Chancellor : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198613601,
- v. 11. Chandler-Cleeve : https://archive.org/details/isbn_019861361x,
- v. 12. Clegg-Const : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198613628,
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- v. 16. Dewes-Dryland : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198613660,
- v. 17. Drysdale-Ekins : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary17matt,
- v. 18. Ela-Fancourt : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary18matt,
- v. 19. Fane-Flatman : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary19matt,
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- v. 26. Haycock-Hichens : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198613768,
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- v. 29. Hutchins-Jennens : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198613792,
- v. 30. Jenner-Keayne : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary30matt,
- v. 31. Kebell-Knowlys : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary31matt,
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- v. 41. Norbury-Osborn : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198613911,
- v. 42.
- v. 43. Patel-Phelips : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198613938
- v. 44. Phelps-Poston : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198613946,
- v. 45. Pote-Randles : https://archive.org/details/oxforddictionary45matt,
- v. 46.
- v. 47. Rippon-Rowe : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198613970,
- v. 48. Rowell-Sarsfield : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198613989,
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- v. 52. Spruce-Strakosch : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198614020,
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- v. 59. Wilks-Wolman : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198614098,
- v. 60. Wolmark-Zuylestein : https://archive.org/details/isbn_0198614101,
Carte de bibliothèque Wikipédia
- https://wikipedialibrary.wmflabs.org/users/my_library/
- Gale encyclopédies : https://www-galepages-com.wikipedialibrary.idm.oclc.org/wikipedia/ebooks
- American National Biography : https://www-anb-org.wikipedialibrary.idm.oclc.org/,
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography : https://www-oxforddnb-com.wikipedialibrary.idm.oclc.org/,
- Collection Gale : https://www-galepages-com.wikipedialibrary.idm.oclc.org/wikipedia/ebooks
- Spie : https://www-spiedigitallibrary-org.wikipedialibrary.idm.oclc.org/?SSO=1
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- Hathi Trust Digital Library : https://www.hathitrust.org/,
- Internet Archive : https://archive.org/,
- Open Edition : https://journals.openedition.org/
- Persée : https://www.persee.fr/,
- Cairn : https://www.cairn.info/,
- The National Library Newspaper Collection (Israël) : https://www.nli.org.il/en,
- National Archives Catalog (États-Unis) : https://catalog.archives.gov/,
- UQAC : http://classiques.uqac.ca/,
- Archives Nationales (France) : https://www.siv.archives-nationales.culture.gouv.fr/siv/cms/content/display.action?uuid=Accueil1RootUuid&onglet=1,
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- La base de données : https://isbndb.com/,
- Attention à WorldCat, comporte parfois des erreurs quand il y a des homonymes, des livres peuvent attribués faussement à des auteurs différents mais portant le même nom.
Syntaxe française
- https://www.academie-francaise.fr/ et la section "dire et ne pas dire" pour poser des questions.
- http://bdl.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/bdl/gabarit_bdl.asp?Th=1&Th_id=128, La Banque de dépannage linguistique du Québec.
- https://dictionnaire.lerobert.com/definition, le Grand Robert en ligne.
- https://www.grevisse.fr/, le Grévisse.
- https://dictionary.cambridge.org/fr/dictionnaire/anglais/
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Poète ou poétesse ?
Le terme de poétesse est considéré par le Grand Robert comme un terme péjoratif, quasiment l'équivalent de poètasse, (Cf. article poétesse), le guide du Bon Usage de Grévisse (art, 486b) écrit la même chose et dit qu'il ne s'agit que d'une tolérance. Pourquoi avoir déterré un mot du vieux français qui était tombé en désuétude lors du XIX° siècle à cause justement de sa connotation péjorative. Aussi, dit-on en saine règle littéraire "une femme poète", "une telle poète", "une poète"... Ici le "E" final de poète permet d'utiliser "poète" selon un genre féminin, c'est un mot épicène, tout comme pour le mot "peintre", on dit une peintre pas une peintresse, ou pour le mot "philosophe", imaginez que l'on dise philosophesse... ou pour enfant, on dit une ou un enfant et non pas une enfante ou pire une infantesse. Cela dit, pour Wikipédia, il est nécessaire de faire des catégories, aussi pour une facilité de classification, on utilise la catégorie "poétesse". Par conséquent ne faut-il pas distinguer le corps de texte où on qualifie une femme en tant que poète et les catégories où telle auteure sera dans celle de poétesse ? distinction entre le style littéraire et une catégorie qui relève de la technique documentaire.
Mort / meurt, ou décès / décéder
Je ne sais pas du tout d'où vient cette définition de décéder, décès comme euphémisme de mort ou mourir c'est complètement étranger aux dictionnaires de références :
Dans le Grand Robert, volume 3, pages 194 et 198, il est écrit que ces mots relèvent du langage administratif, du droit civil, reprenant d'ailleurs les définitions du Grand Larousse, qui dans son tome 6 écrit qu'il s'agit de mots du code civil, de la jurisprudence, et qu'aucune inhumation ne peut se faire sans un acte de décès.
Dans le Larousse en 5 volumes, dans son volume 2, page 867, le verbe décéder est considéré comme synonyme de mourir et page 868 pour décès la définition est : acte officiel rédigé à la mairie du lieu sur les registres de l'état civil.
Dans le dictionnaire de l'Académie française on a pour Décès : Constatation de décès. Le médecin ne put que constater le décès. Acte de décès. Déclaration de décès. Notifier un décès. Un faire-part de décès. Une succession est évaluée à la date du décès. Magasin fermé pour cause de décès. Pour décéder : En parlant d’une personne. Mourir. Fils de père et mère décédés. Il est décédé l’année dernière.
L'emploi de décéder comme euphémisme pour mourir, tenu pour trop direct se trouve uniquement sur le Larousse en ligne en contradiction avec le Grand Larousse.
Finalement les termes Mort / meurt, ou décès / décéder ne sont nullement dans un rapport d'euphémisation mais dépendent de leurs usages, de champs lexicaux différents, mourir, mort désigne la fin de la vie biologique, alors que décès / décéder relèvent du langage médical, administratif, du droit civil.
Pour conclure, je crois qu'il est inutile d'entrer dans des débats mort versus décès, car les deux termes s'emploient dans des contextes et des usages différents, modeste contributions pour apaiser les choses.
- Il est nécessaire de ne pas négliger la dimension juridique, administrative et médicale du terme décès (Cf. https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCode.do?idSectionTA=LEGISCTA000006136105&cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006070721,) c'est un acte qui officialise la mort d'une personne après vérification notamment auprès d'un médecin (Cf. http://www.medileg.fr/Le-constat-de-deces-regles-et, https://www.conseil-national.medecin.fr/documents-types-demarches/documents-types-medecins/pratique/modeles-certificats-deces), C'est un acte essentiel pour déclarer la mort d'une personne et les circonstances de sa mort naturelle ou non, pour permettre l'inhumation, l'ouverture des droits testamentaires etc. (Cf. https://www.iledefrance.ars.sante.fr/system/files/2019-02/Guide-certificat-deces-Seine-et-Marne-2019.pdf). Définition reprise par le dictionnaire de l'Académie Française : "Mort, en parlant des personnes. Constatation de décès. Le médecin ne put que constater le décès. Acte de décès. Déclaration de décès. Notifier un décès. Un faire-part de décès. Une succession est évaluée à la date du décès. Magasin fermé pour cause de décès".(Cf. https://www.dictionnaire-academie.fr/article/A9D0407).
- De façon générale dans les dictionnaires et encyclopédies on écrit "né le", "mort le". Pourquoi ? le terme de décès ne peut apparaître que pour des pages concernant des personnes récentes où il y a un acte de décès prononcé par un médecin suivi par un acte administratif de décès. Il est évident qu'il serait étrange d'utiliser l'expression décédé avant la période de réglementation qui apparaît au XVIII° siècle, pourquoi cette réglementation ? Parce que trop souvent on enterrait des personnes encore vivante, c'est pourquoi au constat de mort, sera vérifiée la mort par un médecin qui lui, à la mort apparente, celle-ci sera ou non confirmée par un acte de décès. C'est pourquoi écrire Vercingétorix est décédé serait une absurdité ! C'est pourquoi on écrira X est décédé des suites d'un infarctus ; en effet seul un médecin peur constater les circonstances et la mort d'une personne. Lorsqu'on dit X est mort des suite d'un infarctus, cette assertion est issu d'un certificat de décès qui lui plus que le constat de la mort, expose dans son volet médical les circonstances et cause de la mort par conséquent l'expression X est décédé des suites d'un infarctus est plus juste. Tout est question du contexte de rédaction.
- Aujourd'hui, une mort est officielle seulement à la suite de la publication d'un acte de décès.
- Rappelons qu'un acte de décès est nécessaire pour qu'il y ait inhumation, ouverture des droits testamentaire, d'assurances etc.
- Dans un hôpital une mort est officielle seulement lorsqu'un médecin établit un certificat de décès conformément à l’article L R2213-1-1 du code général des collectivités territoriales Cf. https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCodeArticle.do?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006070633&idArticle=LEGIARTI000006395865&dateTexte=&categorieLien=cid, http://www.formationsantedroit.org/article-le-deces-du-patient-a-l-hopital-119374887.html, https://www.iledefrance.ars.sante.fr/system/files/2019-02/Guide-certificat-deces-Seine-et-Marne-2019.pdf.
- les déclarations de décès sont des démarches obligatoires Cf. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F909, Cf. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F1444
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Je suis un griffon gardien des trésors de la Terre, surtout la cave à vin de Dionysos, pointez-vous je vous transforme fissa en hot dog !

Oh yesssssss